The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 8th, 2009

January 8th, 2009

Gift-Wrapped - a birthday present for our Byronic Hero

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Title: Gift-Wrapped
Rating: PG
Word-count - about 750
Author notes - prompt: wrapping paper

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Okay, I've gone through and switched most of the 2008 gifts to the author/artist, but there were a few I wasn't sure of, so those won't be flipped until I know what account, if any, to switch the gift to. Please check here to make certain your story/art has been switched to the right account!

If you have any older stories/art from a previous year's fest that you want switched to your account, now is the time to tell me! You can check here to see what's still listed under the Snupin Santa account. You'll need to give me your user ID on the site and a link to the story/art you want switched.

Once a post is switched to your account, you can edit the text and header info to add a time period, genre, etc. You'll also receive feedback notifications by email, and you can answer feedback to your story/art. Please don't forget to check the gift post on IJ/LJ for feedback as well!

Fic: Snape's birthday challenge

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Prompt: "Pensieve"
Rating: G
Word count: 532

Ficlet: When the Moon Is In the Seventh House...

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Title: When the Moon Is In the Seventh House...
Rated: PG, for innuendo
Summary: Remus finds out how compatible Capricorn and Pisces really are.
Word count: 449
Notes: Written for the Snape's Birthday challenge, using the prompt "Capricorn". The chart quotes come from here.

Snape's Birthday

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I've been so busy this week that I didn't claim a prompt for Snape's Birthday Challenge, but I wanted to participate somehow, so I hope it's okay if I post a link to a little sketch I did for the happy occasion some time ago.

Snape always felt that Dumbledore's love of surprises and silly hats was regrettable but never more so than on his birthday...

Fic: Orfeo ed Remus

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Title: Orfeo ed Remus
Author: [info]drachenmina
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~600
Pairing(s)/character(s): Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: Post Battle of Hogwarts. Severus finds himself on a strange hillside, in confusing company.
AN: Written for the lupin_snape birthday challenge with the prompt of Lily Potter. Thanks for the once-over to the lovely [info]nimrod_9 *hugs*

Orfeo ed Remus

Fic: Many Thanks, G

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Title:Many Thanks
Author/Artist: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: G
Pairing: RL/SS
Summary: Our heroes assemble a thank you gift for the mods of [info]snupin_santa
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter belongs to JKR and several publishing companies. I am not profiting from this exercise in creative writing.

drabble and sketch this way

Snape's Birthday ficlet: 'Alone' (PG-13)

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Title: Alone
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~1,250. I fail at drabbles. :/
Content: Well, my SnuSa stories this year were both relatively angst-free, at least by my standards, so I thought I'd better rectify that here. In spades. :)
Summary: Lupin was always shit at Legilimency; Snape never needed to fear that Lupin would breach his mind. That did not keep him from practicing daily, however, in order to be ready for the day Snape was certain was coming, the day Lupin would walk back into Snape's life and train those pleading eyes on him once more.
Notes: Written for the Snape's birthday (Jan. 9) ficlet challenge. My prompt was "Occlumency." Also, just so I might one day finish the damn thing, let's say it also fits my [info]100quills table, in which I attempt to fill in missing canon moments. This one is for prompt #37, "Alone." The rest of my table is here.
Sorrowful soundtrack: Pearl Jam, 'Immortality'

Alone )

ART: A Familiar Ingredient, (Snape, G)

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Title: A Familiar Ingredient
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Medium: funky Corel Painter brushes, and Photoshop for the background
Summary: Reason #43 that Professor Snape is cooler than [info]zephre: He can look at this thing without shuddering.  ;)
A/N: That's a ginormous Rhinoceros Beetle. Eek eek eek.  Drawn for the Birthday prompt of "beetles".

(image image image)

Ficlet: Shadow and Spy (PG)

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Title: Shadow and Spy
Author: [info]westernredcedar
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Prompt: spy
Summary: Remus knows what day it is...
Word count: 404
Rated: PG
A/N: Well, he won't want me to say it, but…Happy Birthday, Severus! Have a ficlet. :)

Shadow and Spy )
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