The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 7th, 2009

January 7th, 2009

Fic: Coward (Birthday Challenge)

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Title: Coward
Author: omni (aka rip_von_christ and omni_fabulae on lj)
Rating: PG for some mildly suggestive content?
Challenge: Severus' birthday; prompt = "coward"
Summary: Severus was extremely brave. ...Except maybe when it came to someone in particular.
Disclaimer: I own not the characters, only the words thus written.
Note: I originally wrote a drabble, exactly 100 words. But then I saw that it doesn't have to be a drabble; it can be whatever we like (correct me if I am wrong). So! It grew on It just kept...going. I'm so sorry.

Look, Sev...I even gave you a happy(ish) ending, despite initially not wanting to. Happy bloody birthday. )

(edit: just noticed I had spelled "Moony" two different ways... Fixed now.)

Official Chat: Wednesday, 8 pm EST

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I would have posted this a bit sooner, but my internet went down. We will be having a chat at 8 p.m. EST tomorrow (Wednesday), which should coincide with the Snupin Santa reveal. So, if you want to squee or ask questions or just watch the conversations scroll up the screen, come join us!

We'll do a followup chat on Saturday at 3 p.m. EST to try to better accompany our overseas friends. (That is a good time, right?) We'll make it one last blow-out about Snupin Santa, and we'll also discuss things like Snupin: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, Chocolate and Asphodel and Snape's birthday! Bring your swimming trunks!

love, lore

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Title: A Pillow, Parchment and Potential
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Severus’ Birthday – prompt ‘stopper in death’
Word Count: 862
Warning: No sex!
A/N: Longer than a drabble. I don’t go with JKR and the birth year of the Marauders and Severus - I think 1959 not 60 for many reasons.   This would make this year’s b-day his 50th. Just sayin’ Many thanks to [info]purpleygirlfor the fast beta-brit pick!!

Art: Satisfy [PG-13]

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Title: Satisfy
Artist: [info]zhyn(blue_cage@lj)
Rating: PG-13 for partially undressed men
Challenge: Severus’ Birthday – prompt ‘greying underpants’
Warning: ...the prompt was underpants. I believe that's enough warning.
A/N: Hi, it's been a while, hasn't it? Severus isn't pleased we're observing his fun, so I suggest we run off soon after we enjoy our fill of the view.

What are you looking at? )

I'm currently using my lj scrapbook to post this, but if you could so kindly recommend other hosting options it'll be great!

A note of love and thanks to McKay, Jedirita, Realliferosy and Kopernik

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This year's fest was absolutely fantastic. I don't mind telling you all that even though it was Christmas-time, and even though there were TONS of things to be done, for me, it all faded into something manageable once the day's posts were in! ;o)  I squeed loudly and often.

You've all made the fest a wonderful, joyous and exciting place to hang out this Christmas, and mere words of thanks really aren't enough, but they're all I have. Right now.

Beaucoup hugs to you all

Thank You to the Fab Four!

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Thank you, Snusa Mods for running such a superb fest.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Title:  Mods
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  PG
Word Count: 380
Pairing:  RL/SS
Warnings:  It's me writing, so they may be a little confused or unhinged.

Snape's birthday drabble

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Title: And then Remus James Utechin brought him a cup of tea and smiled shyly
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: “Alec Hopkins” (the actor who portrays young Snape in the films)
Warning: Real-Person drabble. Also, the only snupin is in the title, but it's implied in the after parts.

He hadn’t been on the set long, but already Alec got the sense that others were avoiding him in between takes. Yeah, they weren’t supposed to like each other – on camera - but he’d never been treated so poorly by fellow actors before.

Going over lines for another audition, he sat quietly in a corner until they needed him. Then he noticed Alan Rickman skulking about. The other actors and crew were avoiding him too, and Alec wanted to jump up and should “This is Alan fucking Rickman!”

Severus Snape was right – they really were all a bunch of idiots.

for the snupin santa crew - McKay, Jedirita, Real-Life-Rosy and Kopernik

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Title: Unexpected Presents
Word Count: 268
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta’d, Crack
A/N: For Snupin Santa and the Elves aka McKay, Kopernik, Jedirita, Real-Life-Rosy.  Thank you all so much!!

Fic: It’s All Over

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Title: It’s All Over
Author: [info]drachenmina
Rating: PG
Word Count: 201
Pairing(s)/character(s): Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
AN: Written as a wholly inadequate thank you to those most wonderful Snupin Santa mods, McKay, Rosy, Jedirita and Kopernik
Thanks to the lovely [info]torino10154 for the once-over, and for listening sympathetically to me moaning about my recalcitrant muse!

It’s All Over

Dear Mods: Thank you for all the Awesomeness!

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Since I can't draw pretty pictures and I suck at drabbles (or at writing anything with a quick turnaround time), I'm going to follow [info]hogwartshoney's lead and simply offer my most heartfelt thanks to [info]scribbulus_ink and her helpers [info]jedirita, [info]kopernik and [info]real_life_rosy. Snupin Santa is a truly exceptional fest. I was so impressed with it when I joined fandom in 2006, and have had so much fun participating in it these last two years. Thank you so much for all your time and energy in making this such a wonderful, well-run fest. I don't think I'm going out on a limb by saying that Snupin Santa is what the whole [info]lupin_snape community looks forward to each year -- I know I do -- and even tho the holidays can be stressful, this fest never disappoints. Thank you again, and please know that your efforts are appreciated. *smooches mods*

Mod Post: Chat is Live! Also, Reminders galore!

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Official chat is on now, so come on in to the chat room and join us as we wait for the big [info]snupin_santa reveal! We'll be in there at least 3 - 4 hours, chatting away about all things Snupin.

Other Quick and Dirty Community Reminders:

"Thank Yous" to the Snupin_Santa mods can continue to be posted whenever you finish them.

Snape's Birthday Challenge claims are ongoing through Friday here.

Time for new Thematic List Theme suggestions! Take the poll here.

It's not quite too late to post your Snupin Santa recs on IJ or on LJ. In fact, if you post recs after the reveal and want to link them there, authors and artists can always check back and send the Snitch their rec links themselves, as McKay will stop doing it on her own after the reveal.

The Desktop Calendar is here. Artists, feel free to post your individual pieces so people can gush at you. ~_^

The January Theme Search is Mystery stories, and it's here.

It's not too late to give your input on our Snupin: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (BLU!), which is our version of a Big Bang, here.

Finally, Kudos to [info]bronze_ribbons, who always faithfully posts the Moonshadow update. I hope she'll be busy after Snupin Santa with everyone archiving their work there... *g*

love, lore

Snupin Santa 2008 Master List!

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Here it is - the master list of gifts posted in the Snupin Santa 2008 Fest! All gifts are listed in the order in which they were posted.

Gifts marked with an asterisk were included in the "Hot Rec/Hot Art" section of the Daily Snitch newsletter, although some might not have appeared yet because I just sent them in today.

The general stats are at the bottom of the post.

I added the names of those authors/artists who were attributed to each gift beneath, and the list of those who voted correctly is below. The results were quite interesting, especially when people who weren't in the fest were given votes, and one participant was voted as having written for herself. *G*

Snupin Santa 2008 Master List )

Snupin Santa 2008 Stats )


Now that the master list is up, I'm going to work on switching the gifts to the creator's account. I'm not sure how long it will take, but I'll let everyone know when I'm finished. In addition to being able to edit your stories/art at the site, you'll receive comment notifications for new feedback if you've turned on that option for your account, and you'll be able to respond to feedback left in response to the story/art.

If you want your story/art switched to your account, you need to let me know what your account name on the Snupin Santa site is ASAP, especially if it's different from your IJ/LJ ID. If you've participated in previous years and want your older stories/art switched to your account, leave a comment identifying which stories you want switched with a link.

Also, if you have not said thank you for your gift(s) yet, PLEASE DO SO. Someone did their best to create something, and it deserves to be acknowledged in some way, even if it's just "Thank you, I appreciate the effort you made for me".

Thanks again to all participants, pinch hitters, readers, reccers, and commenters! Double thanks to [info]kopernik, [info]real_life_rosy, and [info]jedirita for helping out this year! Snupin Santa 2008 produced some wonderful stories and art, and I'm proud that it was a successful fest this year.

See you again for Snupin Santa 2009!

Ficlet for the SnuSa mods :)

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Thank you all for such a wonderful job! ♥


Title: Warmth
Rating: PG
Word Count: 144
Pairing: Snape/Lupin

Read more... )

Thank you drabble for McKay et al: Playtime

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Title: Playtime
Author: [info]firefly124
Rating/Pairing: G, Snupin
Word Count: 100
Summary: How is it that Remus can be so convincing without saying a word?
A/N: Many thanks to [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]koppernik, [info]real_life_rosy, and [info]jedirita for all your hard work on Snupin Santa!

Playtime )
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