The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 6th, 2009

January 6th, 2009

Birthday challenge drabble

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Title: Birthday Girl
Rating: G, with excessive schmoop
Summary: Severus visits his newest cousin
Note: the prompt was "Eileen"

"Here, Sev. Your turn!"

Severus flinched as the pink-wrapped bundle was thrust into his arms. He hadn't seen his Muggle cousins in years. What made them think he even liked children?

"I don't - " The baby opened her eyes. They were almost as dark as his own despite her youth, and he wondered if they would be as black as the wisps framing her face.

"Her name is Eileen," said Rosemary. "Isn't she a love?"

"Eileen?" Severus looked up, sharply. "That was Mam's name."

"She was born the same day, so it seemed fitting."

"So it does," murmured Severus.

A Snupin Santa Tribute Recipe: Oysters Leviosa

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I must confess that, for good or ill, I am one of those very suggestible people who want to eat whatever food I am reading about. For instance, when I was reading Sandra Cisneros’ Caramelo late one evening, I was so overcome with the desire for Mexican sweets that I drove all the way downtown to Mi Tierra (which is not only open 24 hours but has an astounding Mexican bakery and confectionary) and came trundling home with bags of pink and yellow sweet buns and dulce de leche and even half a candied orange, which I then nibbled on while finishing the book. Just so, when reading The Voyage of HMS Leviosa, Captain Malfoy’s apparent obsession with The Coconut had a similar effect on me, and I found myself wondering if I couldn’t find some Oyster and Coconut dish that might have the promised effects. I couldn’t come up with anything off-hand, i.e. in the frozen foods aisle, so I decided to make something up.

Having never fried oysters before, I fell back on the closest thing, which was my grandmother’s salmon croquette recipe. (It’s fish. It’s fried. It was the best I could do.) Except when frying okra, my grandmother didn’t bread things in cornmeal, preferring to use either crushed up cornflakes or cracker meal. Since I had no cornflakes but did have saltines, I ground them up and used that.

This recipe worked for me. I’ve tried to recount my somewhat erratic cooking efforts here in hopes that, should you so desire, it will work for you as well.

I hereby offer and dedicate this humble recipe as a tribute to our wonderful Snupin Santa mod [info]scribbulus_ink and her worthy assistants [info]jedirita, [info]kopernik and [info]real_life_rosy, and also to the story which inspired it. Thus, I give you:

Oysters Leviosa )

To Scribbulus_Ink, Jedirita, Kopernik, and Realliferosy -

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Your hard work on the Snupin Santa fest was the best and brightest part of my holidays. You did an extraordinary job, and I am so very grateful that the fest went forward.

I love you all. Thank you.

Fic: In the Headmaster's Chair (Birthday Drabble)

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TITLE: In the Headmaster's Chair
AUTHOR: Bagoas Alexandros [info]wolfiefics
Summary: Severus reflects on the headmaster's chair
A/N: For the "Snape's Birthday Challenge" 2009 at lupin_snape community (IJ & LJ). Unbetaed so probably a little messy. I'm just happy to be writing.
Disclaimer: All hail Jo Rowling, without whom we would have no Snape, no Lupin, therefore, no Snupin (a horrifying thought, huh?)

In the Headmaster's Chair )
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