The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 24th, 2008

July 24th, 2008

Snupin Meetup, Day Two: Telegrams and Consequences

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We played several rounds of both these games, organised by [info]skitty_kat.

Rules and Regulations )

It strikes me, looking at the above, that there's an awful lot of underwear.

And the consequences were... )

And there you have it. No goats, for some reason, but yet another unexpected onion!

I drabbled!!! TWICE! (Snupin Meetup, Day Three)

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Goodness me. Most unexpected, that. [info]envinyatar15 organised the drabble/drawble workshop; we had time for three rounds, and I managed two drabbles and a 'drawble' - I use the word in its loosest possible meaning, as it was stick figures and I had to resort to coloured felt pens to make it obvious who was who! I am, alas, no artist.

But since I did manage the drabbles, I might as well post them for you here! Drabbles behind cut - enter if you dare... )

Update: Something Special ~17/? - R

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Um...this is embarrassing, but yes, over a year after the last update, this story still exists.

Title: Something Special
Author: [info]lordhellebore
Rating: R
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Romance
Pairing: Severus/Remus, past Sirius/Remus
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or settings of Harry Potter. It all belongs to J.K. Rowling and her publishers.
Summary: Cliché. A lot. *lol* No, seriously: Having resumed his spying on the Dark Lord, Severus begins to crack. Remus notices, but will he find out the reason, andcan he do anything? How does Lucius fit in? And will Severus be able to help Remus over Sirius's death?

Chapter Index

( Something Special -- Chapter 17 )
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