The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 25th, 2008

July 25th, 2008

FIC: Paso Doble

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Title: Paso Doble - chapters 16-20 (WIP)
By: McKay & Arionrhod
Rated: R
Summary: Non-magical AU. Remus and Severus dance around each other literally and figuratively as they compete in a televised dance competition.
Notes: The TV show is based on So You Think You Can Dance.

Normal Service Will Be Resumed As Soon As Possible

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I've just spent a brilliant couple of days at the Snupin meetup in convivial company with plenty of wine, food and smut Snupin fangurling.

[info]aunty_marion has blogged most of the events - sterling work while the rest of us twattled about.

I seem to have committed three drabbles (or rather 'dribbles' as they're not 100 words - what do you expect for five-minute-fiction?) Can't think how that happened! Namely and to wit

1. to [info]bronze_ribbons prompt: sex toys or potions made from parts of the Whomping Willow

Cut for suggestion, innuendo and PG masquerading as R )

2. To [info]bonfoi's prompt: Severus falls asleep while reading a fairy tale to Teddy. As always, Remus is their hero!

I did attempt a sketch for this - then common sense prevailed. be grateful that what you've got is Another warped PG masquerading as R )

3. To [info]tayefeth's prompt: 2: "I can't find the bloody thing!"

This one is just straightbent R )

I suspect that some of the other prompts may make an appearance sometime...


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Hey, does anyone know if Snupin Santa is going to take place this year?

Snupin Santa 2008

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Since the question has been asked and people might forget to check to see if it's been answered, I decided I might as well make a separate post.

Q: Will there be a Snupin Santa exchange this year?

A: Yes.

Sign-ups will open on August 18, although I'll post the complete rules before that so everyone will have a chance to read them over before the excitement and rush of sign-ups.
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