The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 30th, 2008

June 30th, 2008

Fantasy Fest - Yay or Nay (poll ends Thurs.)

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So, gang, are we up for a third year of Fantasy Fest? I'd really like to know because there's already been a couple mini-fests this year, and this would be the real deal with prompts and claiming and eventual names attached to prompts, etc.

I'd likely run FF July and into August (likely a month), and Snupin Santa sign-ups will probably come in September and I wonder if that might feel like a lot of prompting "stuff" to do in a short time, even if the prompts are anon at first and you don't get a pointy stick if you bail (although claiming and then bailing is NOT encouraged). The previous Fantasy Fest posts are here and here, and the tag if you want to browse the last year is here.

The following poll is open to ALL but only viewable by me, so you can feel free to be open in your answers. Notice, I didn't give a Yes or No option, but just an answer on how you would participate. I'm trying to gage actual participatory interest here, so don't click a button on the first answer if you don't at least tentatively plan on participating by making a claim.

Poll #1984 Fantasy Fest?
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Yes, I am up for a third year of Fantasy Fest as a:

22 (75.9%)

7 (24.1%)

Other comments about Fantasy Fest

Other comments continued (What? I'm long-winded!)

Thanks for any comments or questions you wish to make! I'll leave the poll open until sometime on SaturdayThursday (forgot what day it was!) and will offer one challenge or another on Thursday. Comments on this post are also screened for any LJ-only users who want to have a say. ♥ all!

love, lore

P.S. OOO, we already had a good suggestion, to take "short" and "long" prompts. That's something I will definitely consider!

Ninjas use aconite!

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I posted this entry on my personal journal awhile back, about reading a book that mentioned that ninjas used aconite to poison their darts. I kind of forgot about it, and then I happened to be reading the "Tail of the Moon" manga, which is sort of a romance/adventure/comedy story about a young female ninja. And wouldn't you know it--in vol. 11, one of the ninjas is injured by a throwing star dipped in aconite!

It's such an interesting bit of trivia that I thought I'd share it here, since it's sort of indirectly related to Snupin in that aconite, as we all know, is another name for Wolfsbane, the main ingredient in the Wolfsbane Potion. I can just see all kinds of plot bunnies emerging from this idea!

Ficlet: Vanilla (PG-13)

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Title: Vanilla
Author: [info]geri_chan
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: 977
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Warning: AU; introduced several OCs and made a major departure from canon by the end of the Book 5 timeline. (And Snape is a pureblood, since the series was started pre-Book 6.)
Sequel to: Fathers' Day (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Summary: This is just a little side story I wrote to go along with Fathers' Day. I've run across a lot of stories where Snape and Lupin experiment with cross-dressing, BDSM, sex toys, etc. and there's nothing at all wrong with that, but it made me think that my tastes are rather vanilla in comparison. And somehow that turned into a plot bunny! ^_^

The post also contains another side-story about the OC Tsubasa and his family.

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