The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 16th, 2008

March 16th, 2008

Chat+Snupin Funtime Note, Feed Question

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First off, does anyone know how to prod a syndicated account into working again? I noticed the feed of Lupin_Snape from LiveJournal hasn't been working for the past few days. Also, if anyone knows how to minimize what a feed shows, please let me know. I think there's some code for it, but do I do it, or do we all have to put the code in the console? I'd like to let the group know either way.

I'm going to be online again around 12 EST on Sunday and be more in than out for the rest of the day (say until Midnight EST). If you have any questions or need ideas for the Snupineer Funtime Activity Project, please go into the Lupin_Snape chatroom, ping me on YM or leave replies here with specific questions. All of that contact info can be found on my the community profile page or my profile page. Ping whether you see me online or not, I might not show up as online when I am.

I've heard some of you are having a hard time coming up with ideas for the project. I tried to link most of the games to automatic creators that should be easy for you to use. If you come up with an idea on your own, you should definitely take advantage of Google and seach for creators or makers for any game you can think of to see if one exists. Although this is not a writing-specific project, I had thought writers would be contributing games alongside other community members. If you are a writer and want to come up with a word list or thematic list for someone else to use, please do and feel free to offer it (via email so as not to spoil the surprise) through the community.

Also, one thing I forgot, that I will be adding into the original post: Please send an answer key with any games or puzzles you submit. Even a scanned image of your own solving of the puzzle on paper is welcome.

I hope that will clear up some of the confusion. I've already received two entries - so exciting! Don't let the firm April 1 deadline sneak up on you. ~_^

love, lore

FIC: Homecoming, PG

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This is a story I wrote for the housewarming party on [info]snapedom, to celebrate the community's move to IJ. We had recently been discussing how unappreciated and unloved Snape was in canon, so in this fic I tried to give him some of the respect and recognition that he deserved. (Follow the link to my personal journal.)

Title: Homecoming
Author: [info]geri_chan
Pairing: Snape/Lupin (implied)
Rating: PG
Word count: 3045
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part. 

Severus is offered the chance to return to Hogwarts after the war is over.

FIC: Dangerous People, Pt. 7.5, PG

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Title: Dangerous People, Pt. 7.5
Author: Evecat
Rating: PG, a little bit of language
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Summary: The second full moon. November. Snape and Lupin are in hiding in Chicago, working temporary jobs around a potions research institute. They rent a two-room flat in a rather battered brick apartment building from Fatima.
Disclaimer: I've read from SF publishers that these don't really do much good--is that true? But in any case, these characters are original to Rowling, not to me.

Notes: (Please have patience if the cut doesn't work the first time--I have trouble with them for some reason and I'll go right back in and edit it until it works). I'm posting a single scene to try and kick-start my writing, since I seem to have been too busy to work on this lately.  If you'd like to read the whole story from the beginning, it can be found at my old LiveJournal, here.

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