The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 15th, 2008

March 15th, 2008

The Ides of March brings us Family Fest!

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Behind the cut-tag are the (many, many) prompts for our Family Fest. The only real rule for this fest is that stories and art are due by April 30. Fiction of any length and art of any quality are welcome. Thematic lists around family stories and art, essays, photomanips, icons and any other creative pursuits around Snupin and Family that you can think of are welcome as well.

Let me be very clear about the prompts - they are for inspiration alone; prompters will never be revealed. Thus:
  • There is no claiming.

  • You can combine prompts.

  • You don't have to use any of these prompts to post something for the fest.

  • There is no obligation to write every part of a prompt. You can pick and choose from what is written in the longer prompts.

  • Prompts marked as art prompts can be used for fics. Prompts not marked as art can still be used for art. I tried to mark the obvious art prompts, but I didn't catch them all or might have mistakenly marked a fic prompt as art. Don't let labels keep you from being inspired. ^_^

It's a very long list, and if you want to discuss the prompts in comments, go ahead. I ask that those who wrote the prompts not reveal themselves unless a creator specifically asks for you. Anonymous replies directly to questions will make sure your answers get to creators without revealing who you are. We have several fests coming up this year, and I ask that everyone respect the fact that family Fest is not meant to put pressure on creators by making them aware that they are writing someone's specific prompt. If you have to get in a late prompt, you can make an anonymous post here and I will unscreen it.

Super-Huge Family Fest Prompt List )

And that's it! If you have any questions, please leave a reply here or use the community email. I hope everyone will have fun with this fest!

love, lore

Trading Places Fic: Wet Werewolf, PG

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Title: Wet Werewolf
For: [info]julythirtyfirst Inspired by her art Wet Werewolf (and the lovely weather Britain had recently)
Character(s): Remus/Severus
Rating(s): PG
Word Count: 813
Beta: Thank you, [info]lore for looking at this for me.

Summary: New house, new weather, same old Snape.
Author's Note: I picked Lyme Regis as the location thanks to a wicked picture on the BBC website of the storms bashing the Cobb, and also because I used to go there all the time as a child.

Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

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