The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 27th, 2008

February 27th, 2008

Moonshadow update

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The following stories were added to Moonshadow, the Snape/Lupin archive, during the past week:

Title: The Things You Do For Love. (3 K)
Author: Geek6

Title: Up To No Good (11 K)
Author: rose_whispers

Title: Stained Glass (3 K)
Author: rose_whispers

Title: To the Rescue (35 K)
Author: rose_whispers

Title: For Severus Snape, in the Event of My Death (41 K)
Author: Snegurochka

Title: Underwear drabbles (1 K)
Author: sor_bet

Title: Getting Things Straight Between Them (2 K)
Author: sor_bet

Title: Possible Side Effects May Include (6 K)
Author: sor_bet

Title: What Heaven We're In (53 K)
Author: Schemingreader

Title: Reintroducing the Wolf (74 K)
Author: Schemingreader

Title: Epilogue (or Prologue?) (3 K)
Author: sor_bet

Title: Unveiled (9 K)
Author: sor_bet

Title: snupin100's Alphabet Challenge: Spinner's End (11 K)
Author: sor_bet

Title: Snape and Lupin, In the Library, with an Unexpected Audience (4 K)
Author: sor_bet

Title: Achievement (0 K)
Author: sor_bet

The archive is located at

Trading Places Art for Severity

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Title: Breakfast with Ignatia
Characters: Remus/Severus, and OC Ignatia
Rating: G
Challenge: Trading Places
Notes: For [info]severity_softly's fic Ignatia
Notes: I loved reading this story and I hope you feel this art gives you pleasure!

Breakfast with Ignatia )

Ficlet: Gift (PG-13)

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Title: Gift
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~1,200
Summary: Lupin tries to give Snape a gift. Snape responds by being an arsehole. All is right with the universe.
Notes: A thank-you scene for the kind anonymous soul who bought me a Permanent Account here at IJ the other day!! And let's say it's also for the [info]100quills prompt, "Gift." If I don't, I'll never finish that damn table. Probably set during PoA, but that's open for debate, and also not really relevant. :)

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