The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 26th, 2008

February 26th, 2008

Cliche Month Fic: Truffles of Trouble

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Title: Truffles of Trouble
Author: Sawsha12
Characters: Lupin/Snape
Rating: R
Warning: Semi-public sex
Challenge: Cliche Month
W/C: ~5,300
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: Set in PoA, but definitely AU. Remus thought he escaped the Valentine’s Day commotion, but he started receiving chocolates and notes the day after. He shouldn’t accept them, but how could he refuse the delectable treat.
A/N: Link to my IJ

Part One

Part Two

Trading Places Challenge Fic: "Hen Party - 1/3"

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Title: Hen Party (Part 1 of 3)
For: Trading Places Challenge, for [info]nepenth's lovely art At Lily's Bachelorette Party, '79
Rating: PG (this part; eventual R or NC17)
Warnings: Seriously AU ("Voldemort? Voldemort who?"; plus, Snape and Lily obviously recovered from the 'Snape's Worse Memory' fiasco.) Also, implications of (very mild) het.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it isn't mine, it's JKR's. This is for entertainment purposes only, no profit is being made or sought.
Word Count (this part): 780
Author's Notes: I regret that this is so late -- not to mention in pieces -- but I lost about 5 days to a wretched cold. Expect the remaining two parts to be posted over the next few days. I hope this does some small justice to [info]nepenth's adorable art. Also, many thanks to the good people over at LJ's [info]hp_britglish community for lots of info on the customs for 'Hen Parties' (as they told me bachelorette parties are called in the UK), music and drinks of the day, and various other bits of essential info. I hope I got it mostly right.

Hen Party -- Part 1 )

FIC: So Here We Are - Part 2 [R]

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I have been making an effort to finish off all my WIPs. This is a long, long, long, long, long time in coming, and it's not yet the end (although hopefully that is near), but here is an update.

Title: So Here We Are – Part 2
For: [info]karasu_hime
Character(s): Remus/Severus, Harry, Percy, Tonks, Neville, Hermione, Ron, Luna, McGonagall
Rating(s): R (whole fic)
Word Count: 5, 200
Status: WIP 2/?
Beta: Thank you so much to [info]aunty_marion and [info]busaikko! Any remaining idiocy (and strangeness of dashes) is my own.

Summary: The veil claims two more victims and sets in motion a curious series of events. This was started back in 2006, so it wildly deviates from DH canon.

Part 1
Part 2
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