The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 21st, 2008

January 21st, 2008

Snape, Lupin, and babies

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Now, I really should be working on my Trading Places fics (which are actually going pretty well, although one is turning out to be epic-length), but I got distracted when I was browsing the Metafandom links the other day, and stumbled across this essay by thelana: "My 7 reasons why babyfic is a bad idea". Now, I didn't even know that "babyfic" warranted its own genre, but it's exactly what it sounds like: fanfiction where the main character(s) has/have a baby. I don't want to diss the author, who doesn't seem to be singling out HP stories, and her argument is quite reasonable. She makes it clear that it's her own personal opinion, which she's not trying to force on anyone else, and she acknowledges that there exceptions to any rules, and that there are kick ass babyfics out there.

Tagging on Lupin_snape

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Hi everyone!

I've been tagging things on the community tonight, trying to get all caught up, and I wanted to give a quick reminder that everyone with posting access does have the ability to utilize the tags that are already in place on [info]lupin_snape. A list of those tags is available here. I've discovered that the tags must be typed into the box, rather than highlighted, or they won't stick. (Also, you'll notice there are no "R" or "NC17" tags, since those go over on [info]bymoonlight.)

I'll still be tagging entries myself, but it's obviously not something I do on a daily basis. I'll also be adding tags as needed, particularly for challenges and projects. As always, feel free to drop an email to the mod account, or comment here, with questions, comments, etc, concerning tags.
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