The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 10th, 2008

January 10th, 2008

Happy Bday Severus Snape! One day later!

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ETA: This post has been removed from here and put on [info]bymoonlight...where it was supposed to be. ha ha

Bday gift for Severus.
Artist: [info]karasu_hime
Colorist: [info]dianamoon. She did two versions, I liked both, so i'm uploading both.

Title: NWS Birthday Art

Follow the white rabbit

Happy Deathday, Severus

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PG-13 Snape, the angel, is sunbathing nude on a cloud. Remus peeks.

fic: "Card 13 Means Change" (PG-13)

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Er. Yeah, so this was not what I thought my first Snupin fic would be...

Title: Card 13 Means Change
Author: Omni (aka rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: PG-13 (possibly just PG)
Pairing: Severus/Remus, implications of Remus/Tonks
Summary: Severus had thought Remus understood. Perhaps he had been mistaken...
Disclaimer: I own not the characters used. I do, however, own the words thus written.
Warning: Death and DH spoilers

Notes: I started this a while ago, but left it to rot on my computer because I found it too sad to type. But then the first-time (as in theirs) fic that I had more recently started ended up running me into a wall, so I brought this up to play with until my creative juices were flowing enough to continue the other piece. Three hours later, I have this...which is far more happy than I ever imagined it would be. It's also about twice as long as originally intended... Also, it has had no beta-ing. I tried to catch what mistakes I could, but I'm very sleepy. So, if you do happen to spot anything, please let me know.

I should most likely stick to drawings, I know... )

Art: Werewolf Solution to Middle-Life Crisis, pg13

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Title: Werewolf Solution to Middle-Life Crisis
Rating: Pg13
Warning: Crossdressing
Summary: Snape's been grumbling about his age.
A/N: It's not even the 9th anymore but just to say I didn't forget. You know, Snape, it's not much but it's from the heart. :)

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Word Count: 200
Rating: G
Challenge 138: Silence, and a Severus' Birthday Drabble
Notes:  No beta.  After seeing so much wonderful fic/art I wanted to try my own (very small) offering.  Con-Crit is very welcome.

Posted to Snupin100 on LJ
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