The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 19th, 2007

December 19th, 2007

Fic & Art: Condensed Milk/Maybe One Day, for schemingreader

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Condensed Milk/Maybe One Day, for [info]schemingreader
Summary: An illustration for tthe following scene from the fic, "Melt": (...)Severus was parsimonious with exhaustion. Even his glare was tired. Lupin put his arm around the other's shoulders. "Drink it, Severus." He nuzzled Severus' cheek. "What are you doing?" "Marking you so the pack knows you're mine."
Rated: G
Artist notes: I hope you like it, I certainly liked reading your fic! :D I'm sad you can't see the original of this drawing.

Title: Maybe One Day
Prompt: An interwar story before Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and after Lily and James’ death.
Word count: ~6900


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Please note! The gift posted this morning - Art: Condensed Milk / Story: Maybe One Day - is attributed to a Snupin Santa artist and a Snupin Santa writer because there were two different people involved. One created the art, the other created the story.

For future reference, any gifts posted with header info attributed to both an artist and a writer involve two different creators.

Any gifts posted that contain both art and fic attributed to "Your Secret Snupin Santa" alone are by a single creator (e.g. "Dark Lanterns").

I really can't be more specific than that or offer further recognition to individual creators while the fest is still anonymous, so hopefully, that clarifies the matter.

Yes, the header information of the story itself on the archive has been altered to clarify this point.

x-posted to the Site News.

Fic: "In Vino Veritas", for blue_cage

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In Vino Veritas, for [info]blue_cage
Rated: R
Summary: The Dark Lord is gone, and it's time to celebrate. Only Severus doesn't know when to stop, and says more than he intended...
Other pairings: Ron/Hermione, Tonks/Ginny
Word count: ~7600
Warning: DH references but not compatible. Some mild dirty talk, public drunkenness, abuse of grindylows.
Note: this is for blue_cage, who requested "Fic/drabble for any of my art...except those related ones related to Remus and Tonks' child since that was already done last year~?" I managed to include more than one of your pictures, and hope this is what you had in mind.

Fic: "La traque des Baskerville / The Hounding of the Baskerville", for bronze_ribbons

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La traque des Baskerville / The Hounding of the Baskerville, for [info]bronze_ribbons
Summary: Traduction française par ?, pour la fête Snupin Santa 2007-11-04. Link to the original version :
Rated: PG13
Translator’s notes : Snupin and Sherlock Holmes, I couldn’t not choose this fic ! I hope the translation is smooth enough. Thanks to my flatmate for her help and understanding, and to McKay for her patience and hard work. And thanks to bronze_ribbons for writing such an interesting fic :D. Very useful links can be found at the end of the translation.
Random : the characters’ names are left in their original version, except for Quibbler the dog, who became Chicaneur, which is the French name of the newspaper.
Names followed by a * are explained at the end of each chapter.
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