The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 17th, 2007

December 17th, 2007

Fic: "Turning Pages for New Worlds", for dungeons_master

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This morning, we officially passed the one million word mark on the Snupin Santa Fest site!

Turning Pages for New Worlds, for [info]dungeons_master
Rated: PG13
Summary: There's only so much Remus and Severus can hide from their son: his past, his magic, his heritage. Then two so-called rangers force them to accept that the world they're hiding from may be closer than they think.
Word count: ~17,400
Warning: Ignores Deathly Hallows epilogue as well as some choices of events in the DH book, obviously especially the part Remus and Severus died. Crossover with Supernatural, with some spoilers for episode 2x17 "Heart", and is set after the second season (post "All Hell Breaks Loose"), but with implications So Very Minimal, you might miss them.
Characters/Pairings: Remus/Severus, Teddy, mention of Harry/Draco, (guest) Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Disclaimer: Characters and situation belongs to JKRowling and Warner Bros. Some belong to Eric Kripke and CW. I'm just keeping them for the holidays.
Notes: Although this is a crossover with the TV show Supernatural, the focus of this story is still Lupin and Snape. Dungeons_Master, I hope you like it, and I apologize ahead of time that I mixed two of your prompts and came out with something a bit strange. Despite that, I hope you'll still like the fic, even just a little. And without giving myself away, I'd like to say how thankful I am that I got your name so I can give something back to your kindness.

Fic: "Breathings from the Heart"

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I've added our 'zine collaboration to my site.

Breathings of the Heart, co-written with Arionrhod
Rated: PG13
Summary: An unexpected windfall proves problematic when Snape and Lupin are forced to live together in peace or else risk forfeiting their inheritance.
Word count: ~17,800
Notes: This is a story told (almost) entirely through newspaper articles, journal entries, letters, and notes between the characters.

The Christmas Standoff

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PG-13 Drabble and art. 120 word count.

Summary: Lupin and Snape enjoy their holiday together.

Fic & Art: "Part of Your World", for ships_harry

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Part of Your World, for [info]ships_harry
Rated: PG13
Summary: Everyone has their own fairy tale to tell. (Post First War AU)
Word count: ~1300
Notes: Much thanks to the ones who looked over the art and gave me tips! I’ve used some reference photos and stock-art in these pieces, and much obliged to A-S for her helpful tutorials. I’ve tried to incorporate a bit of the first prompt to tell the story of the art and hope you’ll love it. These are snippets of snupin fairytales that may one day be told in their entirety.

The Secret Prince and the Seven Dwarves, Chapter 1

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Rating: PG-13 for entire fic.

Summary: Snow White, but only vaguely.

Notes: Writing my "Brainy and the Beast" was so great I had to try my hand at another snupin fairytale.

The Secret Prince and the Seven Dwarves, Chapter 1

Fic: "A Fine Line Between Hope and Despair", for cacopheny

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A Fine Line Between Hope and Despair, for [info]cacopheny
Rated: PG13
Summary: Post-DH AU. Remus wasn't killed during the battle. Severus "moved no more" for a different reason than the one in DH. How does Remus cope with the cleanup after the battle and the seriously unexpected when it comes to helping Snape? More of an Aftermath than an Afterlife fic, I hope you don't mind.
Word count: ~8400
Warnings: Information regarding psychology gained from a Bachelor's degree acquired around 10 years ago.
Request: Afterlife fic, dealing with post-DH stuff. Some AU is certainly allowed, considering how tricky DH made life for Snupin, but if you can keep it largely canon or work in little bits of canon, that would be great, as well : ) Sweet and sad are preferences for this sort of fic. Last verse same as the first: minor character cameos if you can manage it! : )
Disclaimer: This fic is a gift without desire for profit, set in JKR's universe.
Note: My Beta rocks and will be revealed when I am. This story is better for her aid; any remaining errors are mine.
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