The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 10th, 2007

December 10th, 2007

Fic: "Sour Note: A Fractured Snupin Fairy Tale", for parseltonguepen

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Sour Note: A Fractured Snupin Fairy Tale, for [info]parseltonguepen
Rated: PG13
Summary: Once upon a time there was a snarky bastard of a violin-maker and a werewolf librarian. Little did they know that they were true loves...
Word count: ~7000

Art: "What are friends for...?", for fedzgurl91

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What are friends for (but to force you on the one you love for Christmas)?, for [info]fedzgurl91
Rated: PG
Summary: For two very intelligent young men, Lily thought Severus and Remus were a bit dense. When every other subtle hints have failed, she thought it was time to be a little more direct.
Request: Fic or Art - Marauder’s Era AU - Severus Snape, Lily Evans, and Remus Lupin are all sorted into Ravenclaw, and the trio become fast friends who are talented enough to challenge the infamous Marauders of Gryffindor for “rule” of Hogwarts. Over time, the friendship b/n R&S grows into something deeper; w/ the help of the ever-perceptive and persuasive Ms. Evans. Despite the change in Houses, I’d like to see the characters as similar to their canon counterparts as possible.

Fic: "After the Savage Twilight is Always the Dawn", for kainoliero

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After the Savage Twilight is Always the Dawn, for [info]kainoliero
Rated: R
Summary: Victorian AU. Severus loses a leg in the Crimean War. Remus must help him overcome it and somehow move on with their lives.
Word count: ~7700
Warnings: Nothing obvious....but this is slash afterall. Established relationship. Mention of wanking and love making.

A/N: I stole the elephants from your third prompt because I adore them, plus I found a really good place for them. ;) It’s not as dark as it could be, but I tried. I am the Queen of Angst no matter how hard I try....

A/N #2: This story ran away from me the moment the bunny hit me. Taming it was an interesting experience as those who frequent the chat room can tell you. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Remus, Severus, or any of the recognizable characters from the Potterverse. JK Rowling, Warner Brothers, Scholastic, and any subsidies own them all and I am blatantly stealing them for the sole perverse pleasure of writing fan fiction. They would never approve, but I don’t give a rat’s ass about it, I’m doing it anyway.
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