The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 9th, 2007

December 9th, 2007

Fic: "Like Minds", for rudika

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Like Minds, for [info]rudika
Rated: NC17
Summary: Prompt: FIC non-magical AU. Remus and Severus are rival mafia bosses. Go wild and do anything you want with this! smut required.
Word count: ~9300
Warnings: AU; Torture; infidelity; implied Remus/Tonks; dub-con? sort of...
Beta & Brit-check: Someone wunnerful.
Disclaimer: Anything you recognise is probably not mine.
A/N: Happy Holidays, Rudika! I've fiddled with the prompt, to whit (to whoo! [snerk])... when you said mafia, I assume you meant American, but I know sod-all about that culture whereas I have an unhealthy interest in the British underworld. Sooo, our bad lads are still Brits. 'zat okay?

Recs round-up and other

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Okay, I shouldn't have to say this, but I've noticed there are some gifts that have gone unacknowledged by their recipient. I realize a lot of people are busy with school, work, family, etc., but everyone worked very hard on these gifts, and I can say from personal experience that no matter how many comments you get, the most important one is from the intended recipient. The longer the silence spins out, the more paranoia sets in that you've written/drawn something they utterly hate.

I don't mean you have to monitor constantly to jump on the gift as soon as it's posted, but when 3-4 days (or longer, in some cases) have passed and you haven't responded, that's nerve-wracking for the creator.

So please - even if you don't have time to read/look, at least drop your Snupin Santa a comment to say, "I'm sorry, but I'm swamped with work/school/whatever, and I don't have time to fully enjoy this gift yet, but I've seen it, and I'll get back to it as soon as my schedule permits."

I also realize it's impossible to make everyone happy, but even if your gift isn't what you expected or hoped for, please acknowledge it in some way anyway. Someone worked hard to create it for you, and I know everyone did their best to make their recipient happy, so the good intentions were there.

If you don't have time to visit the site, you can go the tag link HERE at any time throughout the month and scroll down the list to see if your gift has been posted yet; all recipients' names are right there in the open, no extra clicking involved.

Anonymous commenting is allowed on both lupin_snape at IJ and the Snupin Santa site, so you don't even have to log in anywhere.

In other news...

The poll to determine the Fest reveal date in January is still open here.

And finally, I'm still collecting recs for Snupin Santa gifts here, so if you've recced anything from our fest, please drop me a link!

Fic: "Degrees of Visibility" for willayork

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Degrees of Visibility, for [info]willayork
Rated: PG
Summary: Harry's nocturnal wanderings lead him to discover some unusual events at Hogwarts.
Word count: ~1200
Notes: Dedicated to willayork, who truly deserves the credit for most of the plot. Happy Holidays!

Fic: "Lines Across My Face" for unsymbolic

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Lines Across My Face, for [info]unsymbolic
Rated: NC17
Summary: All of these lines across my face, tell you the story of who I am…
Other pairing: Severus/Regulus
Word count: ~16,000
Warnings: voyeurism, high levels of UST
Author's Notes: I go by more "logical" (IMO) timelines when it comes to the prank and I prefer to place it after "Snape's Worst Memory", which places the prank in 6th year. I feel that I've ignored a few major parts of canon (*cough*Voldemort*cough*), but I suppose it could be considered canon still.

I'll have to admit that this was a bit of a challenge, unsymbolic, but I really hope that you enjoy what I've written for you.

Most importantly, HUGE thanks to S for being the best beta I could ask for.
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