The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 28th, 2007

November 28th, 2007

Chocolate and Asphodel feedback post

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The Snupin zine, Chocolate and Asphodel, had many contributors, all of who have e-mail addresses listed in their bios. However, if the lure of one-click feedbacking is appealing to you, please feel free to use this post to leave comments for any contributor to Chocolate and Asphodel.

While contributors are free to repost their work starting December 15, please don't hesitate to comment here if you think you might forget to go back and leave a comment on any zine material you see posted. These authors and artists worked very hard and waited a long time. They want to hear from you! Comment on one piece or many, come back and post here several times - whatever works for you. Thank you!

Meta Month: Self-sporked fic

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Because all [info]lore has to do is bat her eyelashes at me....I have done a self-sporking in time for Meta Month. I've always loved sporkings, and recently was reading [info]snegurochka_lee's self-sporkings, which I thought was a much nicer way to do it than to pick apart someone else's fic. (Not that I haven't enjoyed those, too, and I can think of half a dozen people who've done that to very great, if somewhat disrespectful, effect. *grin*) And a side note: If you haven't read Lee's self-sporkings, do so (choose "Other hp & original"). They're hysterically funny.


The original fic:
Title Seeking Out Remus
Rating: PG
WC: 1,802
Era: Missing moments from HBP
Summary: Remus just wants a little privacy, but people seek him out in the oddest of places.</b>

So come, settle in with Remus and Severus, and see what the muses have to say about the fic I wrote.

Sporking ahoy )

Meta month: "Ten signs you are reading a fic by [your name here]"

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As a hasty, almost-last-minute post for Meta Month (and a warm-up for Snupin Santa guessing games, if you dare), I thought it might be fun to revive the "Ten Signs" meme that went around many moons ago: what are the tropes, turns of phrase, themes, and other tip-offs that make a fic or illustration "typical" of your work? Serious (a la fanon manifestoes) and/or self-sporking versions encouraged!

(FWIW, this was prompted both by [info]innerslytherin's recent posts and my current cringing consciousness of the things I do over and over again without realising it...)

For instance, here was my list back in January 2006. Here's version 2.0:

Ten Signs You Might Be Reading a Fic by [info]bronze_ribbons/Mechaieh:

1. Harry may have vanquished Voldemort, but all is not well at the Ministry or among the Weasleys. Please.

2. Snape spends at least half of the fic believing Lupin is dead.

3. Snape frequently spends the other half of the fic trying to wrap his brain around Lupin's interest in him.

4. A no-nonsense female staff member of Hogwarts gets to tell Snape and/Lupin they're idiots. Sometimes because she's fed up with a lack of progress on #3, and sometimes because she's just tired of holding her peace regarding unsightly facial hair.

5. If no female staff members happen to be present, Tonks gets the job.

6. If a gift fic, there are often not-terribly-subtle in-jokes alluding to the recipient's interests or oeuvre, because I can't resist having fun with that.

7. Snape is not Muggle-illiterate -- at least, no more so than any other socially clueless guy in his late 30s.

8. There's a lot of staring, murmuring, muttering, raising of eyebrows, rolling of eyes, twisting of lips, and turning away from the other person to gaze meaningfully and pointlessly at something else instead of, saints forbid, saying what one thinks.

9. There is zero mention of chocolate or cardigans or visible scars. At least, not in relation to Lupin.

10. Lupin and Snape are both voracious readers of both magical and Muggle literature, which allows me both to imagine new books they might be reading and indulge in my love of quoting existing ones. They're not geniuses, though -- neither of them are as smart off the hoof as James or Sirius were, and they had to work to reach their current levels of competence and awareness. (Otherwise I'd have no plots...)

Your turn!
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