The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 27th, 2007

October 27th, 2007

Fic: Angel in the Centrefold.

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You can blame the J. Geils Band for this one.

Title: Angel in the Centrefold
Author: [info]skree_ratling
Rating: PG, for language and 'mature' concepts.
Wordage: 700 (It was s'posed to be a drabble.)
Warnings: AR; gay porn.

Disclaimer: I am fully cognizant that they don't belong to me.

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Mod post: Res fest, Halloween, Chat, Tags, Sekrit Project and more!

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Resurrection Fest: The Ship Who Lived is drawing to a close. Week 5 starts tomorrow and only lasts until Wednesday. If you signed up for a week and missed it, you're welcome to jump in at any time, of course!

There's been a request from the international crowd to name your time zone when making a chat post. That sounds like a good idea, so let's all try to do that from now on. If you need an example, something like this would be fine:

"Anyone want to chat? It's roughly 9 p.m EST as I post this. See you there!"

Halloween is Wednesday! If you are so inclined, feel free to post seasonal drabbles, stories, art, icons, etc. all this week! We'll also gladly take pictures of you or your friends in Snape and/or Lupin costumes. Oh! And links to your previous Snupin Halloween stories/art/etc.

An admission: About the secret project... )

Please remember that I am moving primary modding for the Lupin_Snape communities to InsaneJournal. This post is going on IJ first and LJ second. By December 1, I will only post on IJ and will link on LJ with closed comments. Read the linked post if you'd like more details.

And my apologies again to the people who signed up to help me find links to art and stories we need to lock up. I was all ready to go and then something happened, and time clean got away from me. I'll contact the volunteers this week and feel free to say No if you don't have time anymore. I will completely understand!

Tags - You can tag your posts on any Lupin_Snape community with existing tags at any time. If you would like to help out by tagging your own posts, please feel free to click the Tag button on the post once it's made. You have to hold down the Control key to select multiple tags, or, you can type them in, separated by commas.

Thanks in advance to [info]westernredcedar, who has volunteered to gather up the Resurrection Fest links. I am also looking for someone to gather up links that are exclusive to the IJ communities (both Lupin_Snape and ByMoonlight) for cross-posting here. If you're not watching the IJ communities, you're missing out!

Also, has anyone made syndication feeds for either the IJ communities OR the LJ Lupin_Snape? Let me know and I'll link them here!

Finally, let me just heap praise on you all again for being such fabulous community members! There's been a lot of fandom upheaval lately, but I feel this community has weathered it well. Thank you all for your wonderful selves. You make this place special. ♥ to all!

love, lore

ETA: You guys!! *blush* ♥ some more!
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