The Lunatic Cafe
Lunatic Cafe

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November 11th, 2008


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Red Mai had just had a pleasant day of killing, destroying and possibly saving hundreds of lives. Most things where Red came from weren't normal anymore. This virus leaked to most of the people turning some into mindless zombies, others into raging freaks and yet there was still the annoying problem of vampires running around. You'd think they'd go extinct with all of the new issues and lack of pure blood but nope. Luckily for Red, them still being alive meant that she still had a job.

So when Red stepped into the first cafe she could find to get a cup of sludge (or coffee as she remembered it), she was surprised to see that she was the only person there covered in blood. Reaching for a nearby towel, she began to wipe herself off but was a bit confused as to how clean everything was. Shit certainly wasn't clean where she came from and this sure as shit wasn't where she intended to go. For now, she stood in the entrance, wiping herself down.

"Guess I can't walk around this place," she scoffed, "too damned clean." After she'd wiped a considerable amount of goop and blood from herself she looked around trying to spot someone who maybe worked there. "Ey! Who can I pay for the use of this here towel?" she asked, holding the already bloody mess in the air.

[[ooc - she is an original character of mine, but if you've watched any zombie/vampire/rage/grindhouse films, you probably know where she's coming from.]]