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February 6th, 2011

[info]formerweasley in [info]lockewood

Left on Dad (and Mum's) front porch )

[info]welcomemystery in [info]lockewood

Who: Cassandra and Elphias
Where: Elphias's house
When: Saturday evening
What: Some alone time
Status/Rating: Incomplete, ?

Just keep smiling at me. )

[info]dragonsheart in [info]lockewood

Left for Arthur Weasley; at Draco's FORMER cottage. )

[info]purelypotter in [info]lockewood

Who James and Harry Potter.
What Harry comes over to talk to his Dad about Ginny. Beers are had. AKA James Potter: Father of the Year!
When Sunday afternoon
Where The cottage of Teddy and James
Rating/Status PG (language) / Complete

Son, you outgrew my lap, but never my heart. )

[info]sandyscamander in [info]lockewood

Who: Gellert Grindelwald and Lysander Scamander
What: A meeting of minds
When: Sunday, February 6th
Where: Bookends.
Status/Rating: In Process / ???

O, take the sense, sweet, of my innocence!
Love takes the meaning in love's conference.
I mean, that my heart unto yours is knit
So that but one heart we can make of it; )

[info]dragonsheart in [info]lockewood

Who: Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood
What: Luna Lovegood stayed up, waiting for a wayward roommate to return
When: Late, late Sunday night
Where: Luna and Draco's apartment
Rating/Status: Complete / PG

I know dark clouds will gather round me
I know my way is rough and steep
But beauteous fields lie just before me
Where men redeemed; their vigil’s keep )

[info]sandyscamander in [info]lockewood

Who: Cassandra Vablatsky and Lysander Scamander
What: Intrigued by a sign promising a fortune told, Lysander knocks on a door!
When: Sunday Night, after his meeting with Gellert
Where: Cassandra's Home
Status/Rating: Incomplete // Medium! (Get it? Medium? Oh, I'm a riot.)

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep. )

[info]anal_retentive in [info]lockewood

Delivered to Arthur Weasley )

[info]herocomplexjr in [info]lockewood

owl to Mum )

[info]neeprewett in [info]lockewood

Left for Arthur on their bed )

[info]herocomplexjr in [info]lockewood

This is left on Arthur's stood with a note reading 'To Granddad, love Jimmy' on it.

[info]brandofjustice in [info]lockewood

Who: Fabian and Gideon
When: After this
Where: Fay’s place
What: Awkwardness is awkward.
Rating: Low!
Status: In-Progress but Nearly Complete

A little positive reinforcement could hardly go amiss, right? )

[info]royal_star in [info]lockewood

Who: Regulus and Andromeda
Where: Andromeda's place
When: Evening, Feb. 6
What: Dinner!
Status/Rating: Incomplete, low

This may just what I need. )