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December 25th, 2009

[info]jamie_sirius in [info]lockewood

Owl to Friends and family
Jamie has made his own quills while he waits for customers. He worked very hard on them. Most have owl feathers since there aren't many birds during this weather. The wood isn't perfectly carved but they have character and each is etched with his family members' names. They will be delivered by owl on Christmas morning. Extra gifts are below.

Sirius )

Uncle Fred )

Teddy )

Lucy )

Lily Luna )

Albus and Severus Snape )

Grandma and Grandpa )

Louis )

[info]stopper_death in [info]lockewood

Who: Rowena and Severus
When: Thursday, 24th December (backdated to last night)
Where: Under a street lamp with some mistletoe
What: Let there be snogging?
Rating/Status: PG/Complete

Glo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ria! )

[info]stopper_death in [info]lockewood

Who: Ariana, Scorpius, Louis, and Severus (also open to Eileen and Teddy)
When: Friday, 25th December
Where: Number 10
What: Christmas Dinner
Rating/Status: Low/Incomplete

They hadn't even put up a tree, most years. )

[info]bloodyrats in [info]lockewood

Untraceable Owl to Severus Snape )

Owl to Lily Potter )

Owl to James Potter )

Owl to James Sirius Potter )

Owl to Fred Weasley )

Owl to Angelina Johnson )

Owl to Narcissa Malfoy )

Owl to Andromeda Tonks )

Owl to Nymphadora Tonks )

Owl to Teddy Lupin )

Left under the tree for Albus Severus Potter )

Owl to Charlie Weasley )

Owl to Alice Longbottom )

[info]bloodyrats in [info]lockewood

Who: Open to any and all Friends and Family
Where: 17 Quills St.
When: Christmas, Friday evening
What: Potluck Christmas dinner!

Tis the season! )

[info]loonsong in [info]lockewood

Owl to Hermione Granger )

Owl to Ron Weasley )

Anonymous Owl to Tom Riddle )

Owl to Neville Longbottom )

Left by Salazar Slytherin's bedroom door )

[info]bornblack in [info]lockewood

Who: Andie and Lucy
What: Build a snowman, bring some Christmas cheer.
When: Christmas day
Where: Lucy's house; 18 Quills st.
Rating: TBA, not high.

With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal. )

[info]fourthorfifth in [info]lockewood

Who: Fred Weasley & Angelina Johnson
What: Fred rescues Angie
Where: Angie's house
When: Christmas Day
Rating: PG-13

We should share a Christmas kiss )

[info]justandloyal in [info]lockewood

Who: Helga and Salazar (yes, again.)
When: Christmas Day, Late.
Where: Outside the Hospital
What: Helga is stuck.

Under the mistletoe )