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August 5th, 2009

[info]faussete in [info]lockewood

Who Gabrielle and Teddy
When Tuesday afternoon
Where Flowershop
What Teddy's "investigating" -- and so is Gabrielle. Ha.
Rating PG-13, tops

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[info]faussete in [info]lockewood

Who Gabrielle and Louis
When Tuesday morning
Where 18 Quills St
What Gabrielle's making breakfast for her 'newborn turned 18 years old' nephew.
Rating PG-13, tops

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[info]hermyohknee in [info]lockewood

Who: Ron, Hermione, and Scorpius
Where: 32 Quills St.
When: Early Wednesday morning
What: Hermione meets Ron's new housemate
Status/Rating: Incomplete/TBD

How do you not notice someone else in the house? )

[info]doeshaped in [info]lockewood

Who: Lily Potter and [Open to Harry, Teddy, or Severus, or all three!]
When: 05 August
Where: Lily's hair cutting place: "Strands"
What: Lily's cutting some hair
Rating/Status: TBD/Incomplete

It was better to be prepared for accidents, after all. )

[info]notjustarat in [info]lockewood

Who: Bellatrix Lestrange and Peter Pettigrew
Where: An Alley, between Quills and Brooms
When: Wednesday night
Rating: R: Violence


There's a prayer for almost everything, but you haven't got a prayer for me )

[info]tonks_rocks in [info]lockewood

WHO: Charlie Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks
WHAT: Some much needed bonding time! And knowing these two, probably angst as well.
WHEN: Wednesday night.
WHERE: Charlie's place.

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[info]princissy in [info]lockewood

WHO: Ted Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy
WHAT: Narcissa patched Ted up after his fight with Lucius
WHEN: Right after this.
WHERE: Narcissa's house.

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[info]goatlover in [info]lockewood

WHO: Aberforth and Albus Dumbledore
WHAT: Albus' birthday celebrations.
WHEN: Uh.. on Albus' birthday. lol
WHERE: Albus' place and then who knows!

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[info]thatscar in [info]lockewood

Who: Harry and Gabrielle
What: A run in, and also Harry makes sure she's okay cause that's what he does. Duh.
When: Thursday? Noonish?
Where: Quill St. and beyond?
Rating: TBA. G?

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