Oct. 7th, 2011


blaine & santana - part time lover and a full time friend

Blaine curled up a little closer to Santana, carefully running a hand through her dark locks. For as many times she had claimed it was mostly a weave, he knew better. Sometimes he wondered if she had resigned herself to the fact that everyone thought she was made up of all fake parts anyway, so why not fess up to the rest of it? "Wake up, San," he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep. "I thought we were just power napping." The plan was to catch a few winks of sleep before going out for the night, but the digital clock on Santana's bedside table definitely said 10:00pm. If there was any hope of getting to McGinty's before last call (after all, Santana took more than a few to get ready) they had to get a move on, and soon.

He stroked a hand up and down her side, still trying to coax her out of her sleeping state. "C'mon, San. You said you were going to show me a good time tonight. You drooling on my shoulder isn't a good time."