Feb. 5th, 2012


Hospital AU Drabble - when you assume you make an ass of u and me

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Jun. 15th, 2011


{Puckurt} Baby I'm What's On Your Mind

Kurt had been having a blast for the past week and it was all Noah Puckerman's fault. Ever since he'd discovered the other boy's secret, he had been using that knowledge to his advantage. It was karma. Pure, sweet, victorious karma, coming back to bite Puck on the ass for all the torment he'd put Kurt (and pretty much the entire school) through over the past few years.

And it was comedy fucking gold.

He'd been doing everything within his power for the past week to make Puck blush and squirm and struggle to act completely calm and non-effected in front of their fellow students and revenge had been so, so sweet. Watching Puck's face was hilarious. This was quickly turning into his new favorite game. And today? Today he was pulling out all the stops.

He'd dressed in one of his favorite not-quite-off-the-shoulder sweater over a simple tank top paired with his knee high docs and obscenely tight jeans. He'd sashayed through the hallways with an arrogant lift to his chin and a sultry swing to his hips. He'd shot Puck winks and smiles, and employed Elle Woods' (of Legally Blonde fame) bend-and-snap method on multiple occasions. And now he was sitting in the cafeteria across the table from his victim, eating a low fat pudding cup and paying far too much attention to the spoon. "Are you all right, Noah?" he inquired, lifting his brows as his eyes danced in amusement. "You seem a little distracted today."

May. 16th, 2011


(keep calm 'verse) - klaine it on the alcohol

The fact that it was called the Rachel Berry Train Wreck Extravaganza should have been an indication that it was going to be, well, a train wreck. Still, it was a suitable excuse to see Kurt outside of Dalton - and in mufti. (That was just an obnoxious way of saying 'street clothes.' Blaine couldn't help that the Dalton boys were rubbing off of him.) Things had been going significantly better since the epic failure that had been Valentine's Day - Kurt had serenaded his ex-boyfriend in an attempt to 'win him back' only to find out that Jeff had a boyfriend of his own. After they got back from Ohio State, Blaine dragged a moping, whining Kurt out for coffee - and confessed his feelings for him.

His confession was essentially met with an affectionate pat on the head from the senior Warbler. 'Aww, Blaine. how adorable. You have a little crush on me. I wanna put you in my pocket.'

He had all but given up on Kurt. The party was a last ditch effort to see if he was even remotely interested in him. Maybe the combination of alcohol and not really knowing anyone would work in his favor.


Kurt was currently in the midst of charming most of the ladies of the New Directions. It just figured as much. They were discussing designers or something equally dull. Ugh. Blaine tossed back a cup of whatever delicious concoction Puck had thrust into his hands with a cheerful declaration of 'we're bros now, Blanderson. I punched Karofsky for you, so, WE'RE BROS' and glared in Kurt's general direction.

May. 4th, 2011


text to Kurt

So, how are we this morning, Drunky? ;-) sent May 3 at 10:30 am to Kurt

Apr. 28th, 2011


[college 'verse - kurt, blaine, & wes] this could mean danger

Kurt had the house to himself for the evening. Finn was crashing at Puck's, and Dad and Carole were out of town for the night visiting Carole's sister. This presented him with a perfect opportunity to have Blaine over to the house instead of sneaking around Lima making out in the Navigator like they were sixteen all over again. It also offered him the chance to prove to Wes, once and for all, that he and Blaine were well and truly fine with the... arrangement they had. That there was no reason for it to be awkward just because they had history.

So he'd invited them both over for dinner.

All in all, he was quite pleased with his plans for the evening. He'd made pizza dough and set out several different types of cheese, vegetable, seasoning, and sauces for toppings, and had made a chocolate icebox pie the night before, for dessert. He felt quite accomplished. Everything was coming together quite nicely, and now all he had to do was sit back and wait for his guests to arrive.

Apr. 14th, 2011


Kurt & Blaine - Keep Calm And Follow The Yellow Brick Road

Blaine's transfer had been a bit of a surprise, but not an entirely unwelcome one. The reason behind the necessity of it sucked, of course, but seeing Blaine every day wasn't exactly an unpleasant idea. He and the (dorky, fashion deficient) curly haired boy had become pretty good friends over the past few weeks, and Kurt thought that here, at Dalton, Blaine would be provided with a chance to flourish like he'd never been allowed to at McKinley. The startled deer look would eventually fade out of his eyes the way it had faded out of Kurt's, and he'd settle in and feel safe and secure. He'd join the Warblers, which would increase both his marketability (the Warblers were a well loved aspect of the Dalton way of life) and probably his self confidence. All in all, a good thing.

He just had to convince Blaine of that. Kurt was certain he'd be successful in convincing the other boy that this change in his circumstances was a change for the better, it was just going to take a little time, that was all.

In the meantime, Curls seemed to be feeling pretty down about life in general, so Kurt had invited him to his dorm room that evening for a movie night, and selected the one movie guaranteed to make anyone feel better (or at least, it had always worked for him) - The Wizard of Oz. Judy Garland, check. Junkfood (in the form of popcorn and junior mints, a movie watching staple), check. Fabulous silk pajamas and matching robe, check. Blaine? On his way. Everything was in place and promised to be a very pleasant evening.

Apr. 12th, 2011


blaine & kurt - welcome to dalton academy

Blaine sat outside of the assistant dean's office, tapping his fingers on the textbooks in his lap nervously. His parents were still working out the financial aspect of his transfer to Dalton, and had shooed him into the hall so 'the adults could talk.' He looked around the hall, wishing he could shrink himself so he could have better luck hiding from the gorgeous boy who had been playing his mentor for the past few weeks. Blaine had avoided telling Kurt for the simple reason that he didn't know what to say to him. He had better figured it out soon, because he couldn't avoid the lead Warbler forever. They went to the same school now, after all.

His blazer felt stiff and much too big for him, making him wish his comfortable wardrobe of ratty converse and band tees. The jumpiness was worse than ever. The smallest of sounds sent him into a full blown, wide eyed panic. I'm safe now. I'm safe now. I'm safe now. His habit of repeating mantras in his head did nothing to calm his nerves, but he enjoyed the repetition. The echoing phrases were oddly therapeutic.

Apr. 7th, 2011


blaine & kurt - coffee & confessions

The text had been simple and to the point.

Could you meet me at the Lima Bean in Marion after class? I need someone to talk to.

sent 1:35pm october 3rd to kurt hummel

Blaine would be lying if he said he hadn't been actively seeking out an excuse to meet up with the lead Warbler in the past few days since their meeting. This wasn't that excuse. The location was perfect: exactly forty-five minutes between Lima and Westerville. The reason for meeting was anything but.

He picked at the cardboard handle around his coffee cup with shaking hands, replaying the events of the day in his head. Wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand uselessly, he pulled out his phone to check for any missed calls or texts. Blaine should have known better than to ask Kurt to meet him. It wasn't like they were friends or anything. Kurt had just let him vent and offered a few words of wisdom. Nothing more to it.

There was just no one else to talk to about this.


blaine & kurt - endearing spies and keep calm, someday they'll work for us

How on earth he had been talked into this espionage mission was beyond him. Maybe it was Santana's quips about gay jokes that had peeked his curiosity. While he highly doubted that Dalton Academy was exclusively a gay school, their promise of a zero-tolerance harassment policy would likely have lured others of his persuasion. He had done a bit of research on the school while Lauren helped him put together a 'super fly spy outfit.' (He couldn't find a tie to match the schools colors, but he hoped the red one would suffice. Otherwise, his attire was practically a doppleganger for the Dalton uniform, besides the obvious lack of a school issued blazer.) Their glee club was called 'The Warblers' and was headed by Kurt Hummel. The boy was.. unique, to say the least. It wouldn't be difficult to spot him, even in a sea of blazers.

Now Blaine didn't want to assume - he honestly didn't trust his gaydar to save his life. As the only person out of the closet at McKinley High, the only members of the Ohio gay community he had met were Rachel Berry's dads. (And she never failed to remind him that her dads were there if he ever needed to 'talk.' Yeah, thanks but no thanks.)

As he made his was down the staircase, keeping an eye out for his target, he tried to imagined what it would be like to attend a school like Dalton. No locker shoves, no slushies, no Karofsky. It seemed too good to be true.

And then, he spotted him. He was an angelic vision clad in navy and red. He felt his jaw drop in what hadtobe an unattractive manner. Words, Blaine! Use your words! He swallowed thickly to rid himself of the nervous tightening in his throat. "Excuse me! Um, hi," he shifted nervously, clinging to the banister of the spiral staircase like it was a life line. "Can I ask you a question? I'm new here."