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Apr. 24th, 2011


kurt & blaine - we used to be friends [college verse]

This was a stupid idea. A really, really stupid idea. He didn't even know why he was thinking about it. Really. Just because Blaine was in Lima didn't mean Kurt had to see him. He could just hide in the garage and the house all summer and never go anywhere and then go safely back to New York without ever encountering his ex again. Nothing wrong with that plan, right? Right.

Except for the part where he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Blaine was right there. And as much as Kurt had tried to convince himself otherwise, he had missed him. His stupid face and smug grin and atrocious hipster clothing and the way he knew Kurt inside out - okay. That last part had been rather inconvenient during their initial post-breakup encounter. How did Blaine do that? They were different, they'd changed. How did Blaine still know him?

Anyway, the thought wouldn't leave him alone and it was driving him crazy. He'd been on edge all week, snapping at Finn and making stupid mistakes at work. If he wanted his peace of mind back, he knew what he had to do.

And that was why he found himself outside of the Lima Bean. Where he'd been for the past twenty-five minutes, trying to work up the nerve to actually go inside. He'd walked up to the door at least twelve times during that time period, and turned around and walked right back to his car. He was currently sitting in the Navigator after the thirteenth attempt, banging his forehead against the steering wheel. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." God. He hated himself. Why couldn't he do this? It wasn't like it was a big deal. It was just Blaine. Just his stupid ex. Not even his only ex, anymore. This should be fine. Totally, totally fine.

He could do this. He would do this.

Kurt unbuckled his seatbelt for the fourteenth time, and opened the door. He stepped out of the Navigator and turned towards the entrance of the Lima Bean... and ran smack into another body. Decidedly male. And, when Kurt looked up from his spot on his ass on the ground (his balance having failed him at the impact), decidedly Blaine. Great.


Apr. 23rd, 2011


Future Klaine Fanmix Part Two

[you can listen to part one here]

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Apr. 22nd, 2011


Future Klaine Fanmix Part One

So, Katrina and I are crazy people and have been playing Future!Klaine here in the au comm. They break up in the beginning of their freshman year of college, Kurt attending NYU and Blaine attending Yale (and a member of the Spizzwinks(?), who are awesome), and now it's the summer after freshman year and they run into each other again and we have all these ~*FEELINGS*~ and stuff, and compiled a soundtrack/fanmix for it.

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Part Two!

Apr. 21st, 2011


blaine & kurt - 'come back around' (COLLEGE-VERSE) - reunited

In the past few weeks Blaine Anderson had spent as a Lima Bean coffee slave, he was finally starting to understand why the employees of the aforementioned coffee shop hadn't been exactly warm to his and Kurt's frequent presence back in their high school days. He had always assumed it was homophobia, and often got on a soap box when it came to the matter. Nope. He had been way off base. Really, it was just obnoxious when a couple ordered two coffees and spent three hours hogging one of the few tables in the establishment and giggling.

Damn kids. This isn't an arcade. It's a place of business. Get your coffee and get out.

Okay, maybe his first year at Yale had left him a jaded, grumpy old man. Maybe it was the aftereffects of his messy breakup with Brenden. (Slut.) Maybe it was the fact that since his return to Lima, he had been too busy between work and his online course load to even get a haircut. Seriously. The Blaine-fro was in the early stages of taking over his face. He blamed the breakup for the constant layer of stubble that had been covering his jaw, but really he just wanted a suitable excuse to try growing out his facial hair. The Spizzwinks(?) had certain rules when it came to grooming, and Blaine was going to use the summer to take advantage of not having to follow them.

"Grande nonfat mocha for.. Kurt?" Blaine froze after reading the name on the cup. It couldn't be. Maybe there was more than one Kurt in Lima? It was entirely possible. Yes. Totally.

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