November 8th, 2011

[info]teenagewreck in [info]llg_au

(life is the bubbles 'verse) blaine & sebastian - living in an uptown world

Before his departure to Brown, Wesley Sung had let Blaine in on a little secret. The impromptu Warblers performances? Yeah, totally rehearsals in disguise. He had felt betrayed for all of five minutes before he realized the power that he now had over his peers. So as his first act as a member of the Dalton Academy Warblers' Council, he managed to spin Nick's ridiculous crush on the school librarian into a quality Sectionals rehearsal. Wes would be so very proud.

All in all, the performance had gone well. Miss Roberts had rolled her eyes fondly and not a single Warbler had been sent to the principal's office for disrupting classes. He made a mental to note to send a text to Wes to inform him of the Warblers' continued success within the halls of Dalton Academy. (Sectionals would be a different story, of course. They were set to compete against Vocal Adrenaline and the New Directions - so basically they were screwed.)

When he pulled out his phone, he was greeted with a text from Kurt. 'Good Morning, Mr. Councilman. ;)' He replied with a quick 'you start out so nice but you're always texting me your murderous plans by lunchtime' before pocketing the phone and stepping out of the practice room and into the hall. He wouldn't change the way things were with Kurt for the world. They had grown closer since his transfer back to McKinley, but not in the way one would have once thought. The near-romance between the two could best be described as a series of horrible (and sometimes even worse) timings. It never felt quite right. And the longer they stayed friends, the more reluctant they were to give that up. Boyfriends were fleeting and friendship like that was hard to find. They made plans for New York and kept a standing coffee date at a little shop halfway before Westerville and Lima. Like he said, he wouldn't change it for the world.

Things were good. Excellent, even. Sometimes he feared someone was missing, but more often than not he told that obnoxious little voice in the back of his head to can it.