May 13th, 2011

[info]teenagewreck in [info]llg_au

(came back 'verse) sheet fort lovin'

Domestic Klaine is like crack to me. I've written like.. 5 drabbles like this, but I figured I'd share my favorite.


“No,” Kurt announces as he walks in the door. “No, Blaine. We are grown adults. This is not happening. I’m going to walk back out the door, and when I come back in thirty minutes - I expect our living room to be restored to it’s original state.”
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[info]teenagewreck in [info]llg_au

(came-back 'verse) blaine & kurt - kitchen disaster zone

Blaine is perched on the counter, watching Kurt rifling through his refrigator. A trashcan is situated beside him, and various items have already been pitched. They have been living together for three days at this point. He’s mostly surprised that this moment hasn’t arrived sooner. An agitated huff escapes the brunette’s lips from time to time, as he makes some new, offensive discovery in the aforementioned refrigerator.

He remains in his spot on top of the counter (and that’s going to earn him a lecture sooner or later) sipping his ‘it’s too late to be drinking caffeine but I don’t care’ cup of coffee. His head is tilted to the side in an amused fashion, and he’s finding it hard to mourn the loss of things like regular soda and marshmellow fluff because Kurt is just so damned adorable and they live together.

Shacking up in sin has never felt more wonderful, he’s pretty sure.

[info]jeff_thompson in [info]llg_au

{Past}[Keep Calm Verse] Jeff & Kurt - Meet Me In The Red Room

Jeff paused to glance at his watch for the third time in as many minutes, a faint niggling of worry present in the back of his mind.


Practice had let out fifteen minutes ago. Jeff had only just begun to make his way off of the soccer field when a familiar shape had caught his eye. And, ignoring the curious looks from his teammates, he’d quickly excused himself with a grin and a gentle congratulations on a great practice to go and make his way over to Kurt.


The conversation had been brief, and slightly awkward.  Kurt had done a marvelous job at not making too much eye contact and using language that solidified the fact that he was nervous about something into Jeff’s mind. So when Kurt had used all his false bravado to ask Jeff if he’d mind meeting up in another ten minutes up near his dorm, Jeff had agreed readily. After all, the two of them spent quite a bit of time together; they were friends. If something was bugging Kurt, he wanted to know.  Especially because Kurt was one of those kids who never seemed to let anything phase him.


So, ten minutes later found Jeff waiting in the hallway, kicking at the floor with the toe of his shoe as casually as he could.  He wasn’t nervous, per se, just a little concerned. Either his watch was a minute or two too fast (fully possible, it had gotten knocked around a lot during practice) or Kurt was late, and Kurt was never late. He hoped the kid was okay; all he could think about suddenly were the vague little concerns that Kurt often brought up when they were hanging out. He really hoped one of those small problems hadn’t grown into something worse than just an annoyance.