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Jun. 7th, 2013


characters: the doctor and rose.
setting: thursday evening, rose's house.
summary: eleven finds out about rose's transformation.
ratings/warnings: Low, nothing crazy.
status: in progess.

Sleepy cut is sleepy. )

Jun. 5th, 2013


Characters: Buffy Summers & Open
Setting: Her house
Content: Nothing bad.
Summary: Waking up.

Because it wasn't Buffy. She knew that. )

Jun. 4th, 2013


characters: danny and tess.
setting: tuesday evening, danny's house.
summary: danny has just received part of his birthday present.
ratings/warnings: Medium, for some referenced adult content and nakedness,
status: complete.

It was slow and sweet, and a rush of sensation and raw emotion. )

Jun. 3rd, 2013


characters: danny, grace, the new dog and tess.
setting: monday evening, danny's house.
summary: tess stops over to see grace, and to have a serious grown up chat with her dad.
rating/warnings: low.
status: complete

Tess had never really had to have any kind of real adult conversation with a guy, so she was nervous. )

Jun. 1st, 2013


characters: danny, grace, tess, steve, and veronica
setting: saturday morning, local diner, 9am
summary: danny and steve pick the girls up from the slumber party and take them to breakfast
rating/warnings: probably nothing high
status: complete

He knew he'd been anal and on edge since her arrival, he just wanted to keep his little girl safe. )

May. 31st, 2013


WHO: Erik & Christine
WHAT: Meeting face to face for the first time in town.
WHERE: Christine's house
WHEN: 8 o'clock on the 31st
STATUS: in progress

what warm unspoken secrets will we learn beyond the point of no return? )


characters: caroline, elena, bonnie, tess, grace, etc. [anyone who came to her slumber party]
setting: caroline's house, 8pm
summary: caroline throws a slumber party so everyone can get to know one another, the girls at leasy
rating/warnings: probably not high, there's an 11 year old
status: in progress
note: Feel free to tag whoever. Even if your character didn't say they were coming in previous posts, they're still welcome to show up so long as they're girls.

She was confused and unhappy about a lot of things, but Caroline realized she had a lot to be happy about as well. )

May. 30th, 2013


Who: Éponine and Enjolras
What: He can't keep her away for too long
Where: Enjolras' house
When: Let's say mid-morning Thursday
Rating: TBD- probably low-ish
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

The house was quiet )

May. 28th, 2013


Who: Eponine and Christine
What: Meeting, making friends!
Where: Out and about
When: Mid-afternoon
Rating: TBD, probably low?
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

It was difficult to think that anybody might truly be kind to her. )


Who: Tesla and Damon.
What: Pissing off the locals by getting drunk on the park swings.
Where: Playground swings in the park.
When: Later afternoon/early evening.
Rating: Swearing is likely, plus you know, alcohol.
Status: Threaded, incomplete.

I am medicine, and I am poison. I can help you up or make you fall. You had some of the best times you'll never remember with me, alcohol. )

May. 27th, 2013


Who: Claire and Elle
What: Elle cannot control her ability, Claire heads over to help.
Where: Elle's house.
When: At some point during the day.
Rating: There'll probably be some swearing and Claire is gonna literally be electorcuted.
Status: Threaded, incomplete

There was a bit of a panic, really, in Claire's trying to find Elle and help contain her ability. She was extremely relieved to find her van in the garage, the keys on the driver's seat. Though she was urgently trying to get to Elle, she needed to take a moment to relax in the seat, the biggest piece of home was right here, and she just wanted to breathe it in for a minute.

Claire started up the engine after that, pulling out of the garage and out of the driveway. It occurred to her after she started driving that she had no idea where Elle lived, but if her ability was as out of control as it had been before, it was likely she'd spot it.

Sure enough, she spotted blue sparks flashing in a window in a house on a nearby street. She parked on the street, locked the van up, and rushed in.

"Elle?" she called, blinking against the bright flashes of light. "It's Claire. Where are you?"


Who: Éponine and OTA
What: Éponine has no idea where she is.
Where: Outside, probably in the residential area?
When: Mid-morning-ish?
Rating: TBD - talk of her death, at least
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

She hadn't expected to open her eyes. )

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