p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Jul. 19th, 2010


So I have this history of having prophetic dreams. It's a weird thing. I'll dream something, and then later on it'll happen. The other night, I had a dream that I think you all would be interested in hearing about.

I now know what will happen at Bellum's End Game. And I'm going to share with all of you.

It will be revealed that Helena has been dead this whole time, as she is a ghost. She will come to Bellum with a small sidekick and make ghostly pizza of doom. The Ghost Pizza Hut will feature prominently in the End Game plot. So sayeth my dream.

Yes, I did actually dream that ghost!Helena came to Bellum with ghostly pizza of doom. No, it makes absolutely no sense. Yes, it still makes me laugh. So I shared it with all of you because laughing is good for you.

Jul. 17th, 2010


A little late, I forgot to share it when he was still relevant, but Trenton's theme song.

I shine like Morrissey on Hennessy on Christmas Eve )

Jul. 16th, 2010



D-: !!!!!!!

Jul. 14th, 2010


I just found this meme. I thought it was cool :D A bit morbid, but cool.

Answer IC and for Pax/Bellum.


Jul. 13th, 2010


Regarding recent posts...

You're all welcome...LADIES.

If you ever need a psychotic nutjob in any of your future games, let me know, I am your ladycakes.

Okay, because memes are like yummy crack, I have another fix for you all. Here's how it works:

1) Comment below with each of your characters a single comment in their own journal.
2) Other players comment OOC with a single sentence they think describes your character(s).

Simple, right? Have fun! This is game for Pax as well as Bellum.
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I'm not sure if it would be appropriate to say "ROFL" or "ROFLMAO" or simply "LOL."

This cracked me up for about, oh, an hour. Please tell me that there will be a grave-digging log, a bonding experience over burying dead!Trenton's body and his zombie-looking portrait.

Jul. 11th, 2010


Created with love. )

Jul. 8th, 2010



So guys, I’m out for the next couple of hours because as you may have heard me complain – there’s no AC at the house I’m staying at. I decided however, a meme was in order. This is a meme, I’ve actually put away and been meaning to do for awhile – but didn’t have a good time or felt weird about it.

Considering the recent emails, news, and talking, I decided it was time.

Click me. )




I'm posting a meme later, hang tight guys.

behind the cut this time )




Okay, so because tomorrow is Friday and I am already suffering from weekend!brain, I'm going to do a Thing. Yes, a Thing. It's not hard but I think it'll be fun. Directions:

- Comment here and I'll give you a song that reminds me of your character. Pax and Bellum, either or!

If you have multiple ones, that's fine. You can put it all in one comment or you can spam me, IDGAF. :D And we'll all get some music and music is love!

And because I will never find this NOT to be funny )

I'm sorry, but I just can't help myself!
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Jul. 7th, 2010


I know I need this, and I think the rest of you might as well.




As everyone I'm talking to is emo at the moment, I decided sharing today's GND was necessary if you haven't seen it. Because it's amusing, sometimes you need to laugh while going "OH MY GOD, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY CHARACTERS BECAUSE THEY MAY ACTUALLY KILL THEMSELVES AFTER BELLUM ENDS."

Annoying Frenchmen.

But here. Have Girl's Next Door.

Wait, did you do background checks on everyone living here? )

Jul. 3rd, 2010


from fandom secrets; sfw )

Jul. 2nd, 2010


The day we have that musical event, I demand all the Bellum kids join hands and sing this )

Taking to letalesquee cause I didn't want to spam an ic post.

OOC: I get bored at work all the time! I'm off today though, so I'm not wanting to put a paperclip through my eye. :D Secondly, you are not amusing, you vile of toxic boob sweat.]

First, I'm thinking about putting a paperclip through someone else's eye, [info]tiger_says_rawr. Secondly, Russell is not trying to be amusing. You are the ugly ugly of uglionians in Uglonyland. Children are shamed by your presence.

Damnit, Bellum...

This is what happens when you mess with history. )

Jul. 1st, 2010


I must apologize now for Russell's monotone face. When I'm at work I can't look at icons so you get one face and one face only XD ENJOY!



I haven't posted a meme in nearly two weeks. I decided this had to be changed.

So, I tend to listen to music as I write and often create character-themed soundtracks as I go along. Some tend to get crazy huge (an old character I have has over a hundred songs, but that's because I compulsively add any song that remotely fits him.), broken into smaller posts (they listen to this vs. this is their mood), or they don't end up with anything at all and are annoying (I might have problems with writing in silence.)

So. Here's how this meme goes - reply to the post with either individual character comments or ones that cover all your kids. Then in the comment explain whether you're crazy like Kore and need music for certain characters (and if so, what) or what your preferred "soundtrack" is.

EDIT: And this is for both Pax and Bellum, kids.

Jun. 30th, 2010



Likening Bellum to Harry Potter? WIN.

Best explanation for the crazy yet.