p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Aug. 1st, 2010



So, Luther broke the fourth-wall in this log. Shrew and I laughed about it and crowned Luther the King of Awesome until I proposed a crack-fic. Because it's what I do and I adore breaking the fourth-wall more than...um. Cheesecake. And I really like cheesecake.

And I wrote it. And thought I'd post. Because clearly you deserve a laugh at how crazy my brain is. With an experience from yours truly, have Luther breaking the fourth wall:

The line between fiction and reality is too thin these days. )

Opening this up to the world for holds later tonight, but wanted to give you guys an advance preview. I'm posting with my journal, but it wouldn't exist without Des, Ace and Chi, so props to them as they merit them in HUGE amounts.

If you have questions (find any plot holes or issues), the game isn't open yet, and I'd love to hear them before we open widely.

There is an RPG game ad under here. )

So lately I've been thinking about superheroes, because they are awesome. And I got to wondering. What would our Bellum kids be like in a Superhero Universe?

Here's your task! Post on your character's journal with his or her superhero story. Assume an AU that's similar to the Marvel/DC world of masked heroes. They can be a hero, a villain, an unaffiliated person, or some combination of the three. Give us a backstory and a name, hell, describe their costume if you're bored! I want to see how awesome Bellum would look in colorful tights.

But wait, there's more! )



I'm in the wrong journal and I don't care

So, my friend STRANGER has been stalking the comm and I was explaining the masquerade plot to her. She was all bummed she couldn't see things and I assured her it was probably all going to be anonymous mask sex anyway and I'd keep her full of updates. Poor little stalker. Abandoned by the grand f-lock.

But in any case, I was distracting dear old STRANGER with guesses on the mask icons. She asks randomly what 'a devil's hair cut' would look like. As I start listing cracky options, she links me this: )

Jul. 30th, 2010



Head's up to everyone on the bots. D: You should delete them before reporting. They're on several recent log comm posts. Some are mod posted and player run so...

IDK. Consider this a PSA if you didn't already see the alert? :/



Also that log needs a warning for Des.

Imma pour out a 40 on the curb for our dead homie, Bacon

Godspeed, you crazy bastard. /Salute

Jul. 29th, 2010



Now, I know he's dead, but still. I saw this and giggled.


Look, Laura! Trenton has his own LJ layout! 8D

Jul. 28th, 2010



Tissues are recommended.

In other words - thanks everyone who drove Luther to that point. Via annoying or being a friend. Thank you muchly :)



It will get worse.

Jul. 27th, 2010



Debated on this before deciding to go with it. I've been writing some pieces based off prompts with a friend STRANGER and ended up doing a small series for Lotte last night. Not sure why. >_> In any case, as this is the squee comm I went what the heck and figured I'd post it up as it's got backstory which is fun :) Or you can laugh as this isn't my best.

So. Here have this short medium-sized piece based off the prompt Human. It's all pre-Bellum and it's SFW. Because it's Lotte.

Under here. )

Jul. 26th, 2010




In which Kim needs something to do for this full moon thing, and Kore re-casts Pirates of the Caribbean. )

Whose thread can I hijack? ANYONE? Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

Blame Piper for this one.

I’ve been in this game for …a very, long time and a conversation with an old rp-ing buddy and then one today with Piper made me realize something. Despite the fact that my characters have interacted with lots of other characters and I’ve gotten to know them…I’d like to know more about the people behind the screen. Because clearly we’re all awesome people who have things aside from being amazing and writing here in common. xD

So. It’s a meme. Fill it out, if there’s a section you don’t want to fill out feel free to pass. It’s all in good fun and yes, this is OOC. Muns are filling this out, not characters.

And because I’m nice, it’s in a handy little box below. Now go forth and show me how awesome you really are :D



Forshadowing? Not quite. But I was amused.

Roommates! )

Jul. 25th, 2010



So Shrew and I need therapy

aka please squee/flail/yell at us over here because Shrew's leaving tomorrow and she worked really hard on this. And I want her to wake up to reactions because we've been waiting to hear what you guys think :D

And yes. This was the 102 tag log.

Jul. 24th, 2010



So. Shrew and I were talking today and somehow, the topic of AUs got brought up and thus came the college/university AU. Which naturally evolved into wondering about what our characters would be like in a college/university AU.

So. I implore you, dear Bellumites, what would your characters be like if this game was based in some university or college? Feel free to talk and spam and do whatever here!

As for me, this is what I see. )

Jul. 22nd, 2010



Spam my inbox. Have a squee post.

I can't be the only one having characters in all sorts of uproars. Minus Luther who is currently trying to kill himself. Yay.



I'm making a formal request for less angst today. Via meme-age.

Cliff, Shag, Marry Version 2.0. We haven't done it in awhile :D If you weren't here below, comment with your characters in seperate comments with their name in the header. Go and reply to them with three options to Cliff, Shag, or Marry. Repeat the last step as many times as you like xDD

Rules - if you respond to the post please try and respond to other people. It's a two-way street. You can give three options as many times as you like. What happens in the squee comm, stays in the squee comm unless all muns say otherwise.

...I think that's it.

Jul. 21st, 2010



I like memes and I cannot lie

Here's a simple one - how did you settle on your character(s)' pb? Did you have a back-up option? WHAT'S THE STORY WISHBONE?


Yeah off-topic but Wishbone was the best thing ever in my childhood. And it was my first introduction to Phantom of the Opera. Launched a fear that lasted about ten years. Whee. Random fact about Kore you probably didn't really need to know.

Distract me from the bad things Luther is doing, please?

Jul. 20th, 2010


In light of a certain recent plot, I feel it is imperative that we all go take this quiz.

Report back with results.

Jul. 19th, 2010



Lotte says she fails at romance when it's for herself - really, she doesn't get why people think she's useful for other people's endeavors. SHE ONLY MAKES IT WORSE.