August 21st, 2009

[info]little_piggy in [info]kiseki_ooc

Friends, Kisekians, not-countrywomen...

Yo ho, me 'earties. As most of you already know, I'll be travelling across the country to go to university starting tomorrow morning. In other words: hiatus for me, hopefully not for too long; in the best case-scenario, only until Monday evening. Should it turn out I'll be too swamped with settling in/school, or if my new Internet connection decides that I'm ugly, I'll let you know.

Until then, all my characters are staying in Kiseki, and you'll have to use your imagination and pretend they're around. Except for Kujaku, who will be hiding somewhere and be nowhere to be seen. He still loves you, Kotori; he's just weird.

Wish me luck, people! I'll still be around to play today.