August 20th, 2009

[info]huuuuugemallets in [info]kiseki_ooc

Brief hiatus for me. I'm starting COLLEGE!!1!1 next week, and I've got orientation this weekend, so I... shouldn't be around much. OTL. I should be back sometime during the first week of September, hopefully by then I'll have figured out what I'm doing and have a more concrete idea of how much time I'll have. /ker-hugs you all. o/

[info]forevervirgin in [info]kiseki_ooc


Guuuys, I'm sorry, but I need a break. For undetermined period of time.

Admin Console
friend remove forevervirgin
friend remove ucanthascookies
friend remove mimamotteiru

Sob... first time since I joined that I drop all my charas. orz But I wiiill cooome baaaack somedaaaayyy...