June 9th, 2008

[info]regal_blood in [info]kiseki_ooc

Because I've been meaning to do it for so long, Vampy!Subaru will be leaving Kiseki for a little while to get updated to the end of the Acid Tokyo arc. He'll be back soon though (hopefully with the bebbies). Don't miss him too much? |D;;

[info]littlepurity in [info]kiseki_ooc

Because Kiseki obviously needed to have 3 Subarus... Here is the bebbie. \o/

Add him and all. I'll be updating his journal tomorrow when I get all these crappy bases up. |D;

[info]lonely_fate in [info]kiseki_ooc

Guess this little bundle of cute should be introduced as well. So yeah, here's Seraph with my ninth chara, bebbie!Kamui~ Add him? |D;;

[info]epicsmackdown in [info]kiseki_ooc

Yeah hi.

Because I'm incapable of having less than six characters now, I guess. Robin here, with her seventh character~ Tamayo!

Go add her! Once I get her account all set up I'll post her first entry. ♥

[info]cross_myheart in [info]kiseki_ooc

Break Tiemz

Three FOUR new charas in one night? You people are insane. *shakes head* But I shall make a viliant effort to break the chain! Kinda.

I'm sending Toshi home for a bit. No, I'm not dropping him. No, the muse is not dying. All is well with him, he just needs to go see his mommy and Nee-chan and all. This kid is so freakin emo, it's not even funny.

Plus, it'll give me more of a chance to play with my other puppets who are trying so hard to break away from his shadow. But he'll be back soon, no worries.

Edit: I'll still play out any old threads out there, just no new ones.