June 10th, 2008

[info]smileagain in [info]kiseki_ooc

*Four* charas, Solana |Db

JL-mod here, showing she has no willpower whatsoever picking up Chobits' Minoru Kokubunji~

Also, quick add/remove list:

- Make sure you're logged in with your RP journal.
- Go to the Admin Console
- Copy and paste the following list:

friend remove himitsuwaza
friend remove suwamiko
friend remove lantisuuu
friend remove kurotamago
friend add smileagain
friend add epicsmackdown
friend add lonely_fate
friend add littlepurity
friend add shuuko

[info]regal_blood in [info]kiseki_ooc

Okay! So he's back... |D;; Updated to the end of the Acid Tokyo arc. And um, yes. I don't have any other excuse besides he misses his twin and he wants to play with his bebbies? |D;;

[info]sayaka_sensei in [info]kiseki_ooc

Sad days >:

Hi guys. I've been really on the fence about this for the past couple of days; yesterday I thought I wouldn't do it, but I thought about it more, and decided that it's for the best if I just drop Sayaka for now. I don't want to force myself to play her and end up hating her character because of it--and, like others have done before, I could easily bring her back if the muse returns.

So. *sigh* I haaate dropping characters because I feel bad doing it, but I hope no one hates me minds too much. I'm really sorry to those who played with her, I know I wasn't very active.

friend remove sayaka_sensei


[info]shiyuu_kusanagi in [info]kiseki_ooc

An add and a drop

Hello, everyone! This is Liz with two announcements.

Sad news first, Kusanagi is heading back to Edonis. I've lost the inspiration to RP him, so I figured I should let him go. I may bring him back one day, but for now consider him gone. I'll miss that big teddy bear, though.

But, I did pick up another character, Kotarou Kobayashi from AL. So it was like trading a big teddy for a little one that spazzes a bit more. Feel free to go say hi. He's at [info]ouchmyspleen (Robin's idea for a username, not mine).