March 29th, 2008

[info]onmyown_ in [info]kiseki_ooc

HI I'M BACK WASSUP. My modem hates me though. T_T" And cosplay in 7 hours yappo! X3

Character updates~! (so people have ideas on what they're doing while their mun was away ;;;)

[info]daidoujiheiress - Busy helping out with the costumes for the MPE parade. :Dd Thanks Seraph :O
[info]aka_chou - o_O ..I left her with the log, but it stayed pretty quiet so idk. =/
[info]onmyown_ - I MISSED HER BIRTHDAY WTF. DX Anyway, since I have no time to google I'll just make an OOC mini-gift list on her journal, 'kay? And btw, Sakura's really thankful for the gifts~♥

AND I HAS NEW CHARA *goes create journal*

[info]cross_myheart in [info]kiseki_ooc


I was going to work on some character designs today for a webcomic but...I had internet. So now I'm here. *shifty eyes* It might have been a virus, or I might have been blocked, or something. I dunno. I'm just extremely nervous about it.

Hopefully this will stick, but as long I have internets I'm gonna play! *Toshi pose*

Btw, Ana made this icon. Tell her it's gorgeous and to make me moar!!! >D