March 28th, 2008

[info]aka_chou in [info]kiseki_ooc

Sweet Magic?


I'm sorry if I'm not in the position to be handling this but, Nakuru was working for Fay at Sweet Magic before so I thought this would clear things. Anyway, I'm really unsure of who's working there now, but as far as I know, there's Touya, Nakuru and Watanuki (I'm not sure which one).

The question~ does Sweet Magic still exist? If it does, who's running it now? (now that Fay's gone and Touya's been kidnapped and Nakuru's on the rescue team~)

I hope you don't mind. ºxº;

[info]onmyown_ in [info]kiseki_ooc



Yes, I'm posting just in case anyone missed/forgot/whatever.. hiatus time for me in a couple of hours. [For one week]

If I'm lucky I'll be around for a few moments during this week, if not then boo hoo D:

This applies to:
[info]daidoujiheiress ~ who'll most probably be at school, joining/helping CCS!Sakura and Toshi with the "Musical P.E."
[info]aka_chou ~ [log is on going, will depend on how long it goes and will just be edited later]
[info]onmyown_ ~ [finishing a thread with C!Syaoran] ~ after that she'll probably be hanging around Kiseki, having silent walks at the park, etc.

And of course, Sachi will miss everyone again. T~T

[info]sayaka_sensei in [info]kiseki_ooc

Posting for Toshihiko/Fujimoto-mun

So, Solana's wireless internet has sadly crapped out on her, and she's working on trying to get it fixed. So she asked me (over the phone) to let you guys know of this horribly-timed hiatus for her. >:

Hopefully she'll be back soon, so we can do a log of that awesome Musical PE class, y/y?