23rd Jun, 2008


Ride the Blue Horse: TMB; Bob Fossil/Vince

Title: Ride the Blue Horse
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Bob Fossil/Vince, Howard/Vince implied
Rating: R
Warnings: slash, adult themes? crack
Disclaimer: If I owned the Boosh boys I would not be here writing about them ;)
Summary: Bob Fossil has a proposition for his little Vincey...
Words: 348
Author's Notes: inspired by 'The Chokes,' in which Fossil asks Vince to ride him like a blue horse. I just cracked it up a little.
Comments: welcomed, appreciated :)

8th Jun, 2008


Shine: TMB; Howard/Vince

The first bit of Boosh fic I ever wrote. Inspired by a piece of fanart by coeur_de_noir on LJ, and her request for some lipgloss!fic.

Title: Shine

Pairing: Howard/Vince
Rating" PG-13
Warnings: a little bit of angst maybe?
Disclaimer: Come on now.
Summary: Vince is such the show pony...
Words: 329
Comments: are love.


6th Jun, 2008


The Sheriff: TMB; Howard/Sellotape Tree

Title: The Sheriff
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Howard/Sellotape Tree
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: crack! masturbation
Disclaimer: I don't own Howard Moon (although I would very much like to) or any other things of a delightfully Booshy nature.
Summary: He's the Sheriff of Stationery Village. And how ;)
Words: 270
Comments: are love.

10th May, 2008


Filthy: TMB; Howard/Vince

Title: Filthy
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Howard Moon/Vince Noir
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, explicit sex, water!sex, explicit language
Disclaimer: I disclaim!
Summary: After defeating the Crack Fox (with the help of Howard's Street Brothers, of course) Howard and Vince return to the Nabootique.
Words: 964
Author's Notes: originally written in response to an anonymous meme request for Binman!Howard.
Comments: are <3

6th May, 2008


Taste: TMB; Noel/Julian

A bit of smutty RPS

Title: Taste
Author: [info]arcadian_dream</lj>
Pairing: Noel/Julian
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, explicit sex and language, rimming, alcohol, RPS, PWP
Disclaimer: I wish. Ha.
Summary: Drunkennes, groping and sex.
Words: 878
Author's Notes: Plot? What is plot?
Comments: are <3 

30th Apr, 2008


Like Warm Nutella: TMB; Howard/Vince

Title: Like Warm Nutella
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Howard Moon/Vince Noir
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, sex
Disclaimer: I disclaim!
Summary: Set post-Party, Vince fancies a midnight snack....
Words: 853
Comments: are love :)

29th Apr, 2008


Genius: TMB; Howard/Vince

Title: Genius
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Howard Moon/Vince Noir
Rating: R
Warnings: slash, nudity
Disclaimer: I disclaim!
Summary: Vince can't wait to show Howard his new pair of trousers.
Words: 559
Author's Notes: originally written in response to a request at an anon. Boosh meme.
Comments: are love


Of Beds and Breathing: Julian/Noel RPS

Title: Of Beds and Breathing
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Julian Barratt/Noel Fielding
Rating: PG
Warnings: RPS, angst, a bit of fluff
Disclaimer: I quite obviously do not own Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding...I just like to think about them being all snuggly.
Summary: "It would be so easy, Noel thought, as his eyes lay transfixed by the constant movement of Julian's breathing..."
Words: 351
Comments: welcomed and appreciated.

22nd Apr, 2008


Tenderness: TMB; Tony Harrison/Saboo

Title: Tenderness
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Tony Harrison/Saboo
Rating: PG
Warnings: crack! slash, unbeta'd
Disclaimer: I disclaim!
Summary: The Shaman are out of town at a conference - and Saboo is forced to share a room with Tony.
Words: 768
Comments: welcomed and appreciated :)