29th Nov, 2008


The Best Intentions: Remus/Ron Slash Fest Fic

Title: The Best Intentions
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Remus/Ron
Rating: PG-13, at a stretch.
Warnings: pre-slashiness, angst, hurt/comfort
Disclaimer: I disclaim!
Summary: An offer of comfort turns into something quite unexpected.
Author's Notes: takes place post-DH in an alternate universe in which Remus survives.
For [info]littleblackbow, who loves her rarepairs (and prodded me into taking part in this fest).
Words: 654

28th Aug, 2008


Darkness Hides: Potterverse; Remus/Sirius

OK. So I've decided to post this here after deciding I wouldn't because it was dreadful. But then I thought...fuck it. So here it is, the second of my Round One R/S Games fics.

Title: Darkness Hides
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, sex, angst, masturbation
Disclaimer: JKR's, I'm just playing.
Summary: After taking a teaching post at Hogwarts, Remus is haunted by the insistence of memories past...
Words: 1603
Author's Notes: Written for Round One of the R/S Games. Chosen genre was angst; prompt was Brand New's 'Degausser.'
Comments: welcomed and muchly appreciated :)