1st Oct, 2008


Doppelganger: Remus/Sirius NC-17

Title: Doppelganger
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: explicit sex, fluff
Disclaimer: I disclaim, etc.
Summary: Sirius stumbles upon a novel costume idea.
Challenge: written for harrysexmagick on LJ
Keywords: moon, Samhain, sticky
Dialogue: "Is that really your costume?"
Author's Notes: many thanks and cupcakes to Michelle for the wonderful beta.
Words: 845
Comments: if you are so inclined :)

24th Sep, 2008


Thieves: Remus/Sirius, PG-13

A drabble I hastily cobbled together for [info]quartetship's birthday.

Title: Thieves
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff, slashiness
Disclaimer: I disclaim!
Summary: And he was, unexpectedly, amazed.
Author's Notes: inspired by The Libertines' 'The Ha Ha Wall.'
Words: 272
Comments: if you like :)


22nd Jul, 2008


Home: Potterverse; Neville/Draco

Title: Home
Author: [info]arcadian_dream
Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, explicit sex, rough sex, explicit language, top!Neville, a touch of crack ;)
Disclaimer: JKR's, I'm just playing ;)
Summary: A nocturnal soujourn to the greenhouses yields unexpected results...
Author's Notes: written for 30 Days of Neville over at [info]xnevillelovingx
Words: 673
Comments: of course! ;)

6th May, 2008


Taste: TMB; Noel/Julian

A bit of smutty RPS

Title: Taste
Author: [info]arcadian_dream</lj>
Pairing: Noel/Julian
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, explicit sex and language, rimming, alcohol, RPS, PWP
Disclaimer: I wish. Ha.
Summary: Drunkennes, groping and sex.
Words: 878
Author's Notes: Plot? What is plot?
Comments: are <3