Jul. 2nd, 2010


new character wooo!

Hello, all, this is Latara, and this is my fifth character, Quinta (Yaxley) Wilkes! She is, of course, sister to Nona and Decima, and she's married to the younger brother of our Wilkes' father. She's the perfect pureblood, so all the society types should know her from those circles. Hogwarts year, for reference, is Slytherin '56. She's very doting on her family, is sympathetic with the Death Eaters but personally abhors violence, and errrmmm, I'm not sure what else is relevant BUT you can read the whole story on her journal.

So yes, plots! Would love any and all suggestions, aaaand to prod if anyone were interested I'd lovelovelove it if someone were to pick up her twin sister, Quarta.

Apr. 19th, 2010


Well, all bets off off, people! Anyone who was trying to guess how long it would take for me to get my FOURTH character can rest assured that it has OFFICIALLY happened!

Meet Decima Yaxley, the youngest of the TEN Yaxley children. She is going on 25, a former Slytherin, and quite the free spirit. She gets away with not playing the perfect Pureblood most of the time. She's a freelance writer, who insists upon standing on her own two feet. (So Anna and Caleb... when you need some interaction, call on me because Decima would be familiar with both Xeno and potentially Rabbit!) She lives in a flat in Knockturn Alley that frequently gets broken into. Honestly the most interesting thing about Decima is that as soon as she left Hogwarts, she changed her name to a pen name. She's been introducing herself as Isobel Smythe ("Izzie") since she was 18. Now, only her family and Purebloods call her Decima.

And since I such at introductions... you can read more about her here or just ping me! Ready? Set. Plot... go go go! Yay!

Apr. 13th, 2010



Hi, everybody - my name is Emmie, and I'm bringing Minerva McGonagall into the game. This is my first venture into HP RP, so please do correct any errors I may make - they're entirely mine, not hers. I look forward to playing with you all, and if you're interested in saying hi (I love random ims) you can im me on ~t1taniumspork, or pm me at any time!

Apr. 11th, 2010


Hi, guys! Lena here with a fifth character.

Meet Bridget Bones aka Bree. She's Edgar Bones' wife. She's also Tristan Vance's little sister, the second of the bunch and you know the other 3 should really be picked up because siblings are awesome.

Anyway, she was a 1966 Ravenclaw and you can read her full application here. The short version - she's bubbly, sweet, mother of two beautiful children and she could use friends, acquaintances, etc etc. Did I mention that the other Vance siblings would be awesome? Because they totally would be.

Also, those of you I owe tags to should be getting them tonight. My work schedule this weekend is made of fail and I had no computer time last night, because getting home after 11pm and having to be awake again at 7am isn't conducive to having an RP life. Gotta love retail!

♥ Lena → itwillhavelena on AIM - hit me up for some plotting!

Apr. 5th, 2010



Hey all!

This is Latara, with my fourth - Andromeda Tonks. Bio is here - she's Ravenclaw '71 and currently working in the Improper Use of Magic Office. She's got her husband and her delightful daughter, and things are pretty good for her aside from her lack of contact with her family. Looking for any and all plots - friends, enemies, etc - obviously the society purebloods would know her, most of them probably would have written her off when her family did but if any of the less severe purist purebloods maybe didn't? that's cool too. I'm excited to play her!

Mar. 29th, 2010


Hello again from Liss. :]

Here's my seccond kiddo, Clare Summerby. She's 22, backpacked through Europe for two years right after graduating, and she vants to take your peekture. Other than that? She wins. All the time. She's the daughter of Ryan Summerby who, for all intents and purposes, was a Chaser for, and has been manager of the Ballycastle Bats for the last twenty-odd years. She also has a brother who is a year younger than herself, Connor Summerby, who is open for interpretation and is free to be nabbed, should anyone want him. Also? She's Brandon Chambers' half sister, but you can see Clare's bio for that. And Brandon's as well.

She needs friends, enemies and other things, so feel free to love her or hate her for her obnoxiousness. :]

You can catch me at just to sayy or get me through e-mail at anonyliss@yahoo.com

Mar. 2nd, 2010


New char! This is Latara, with my contribution to the BOMB cause, Lowri Pritchard. She's a bit strange, very Welsh, works on Diagon Alley, and she's married to the son of a prominent Welsh pureblood family. School-wise, she's Hufflepuff '75. So yeah, I'd love to work out plots, people she was at school the same time as, her relationship with the other BOMBers, etc. Off the top of my head, her husband would have been a Slytherin and in the same year as Phoebe and Victoria, so they'd know him and probably be aware of him dating Lowri in their seventh year, and also Hestia is a Welsh pureblood so she'd know the family, too.

And I'm also open for plots/threading with both Lily and Amelia, too!

Feb. 24th, 2010


G'day all! Kat 2 here with my third character - Rodolphus Lestrange.

Rodolphus is, of course, the older brother of Rabastan and the husband of Bellatrix. He is also a senior clerk in the Wizengamot so he tends to have his fingers in a little bit of everything, especially if it has to do with laws and such like.

He's not what people would expect from a Death Eater. In public, he is almost uniformly polite to everyone irrespective of who they are. He is calm, polite, a little aloof and almost unreadable. He comes across as the almost quintessential Englishman.

In private, it's a different matter though. He is a dedicated and loyal Death Eater. While he doesn't want Muggles and Mudbloods killed, he does want them controlled and put to some use rather than running around like the beasts they are. While he is disgusted by the actions of BOMB, he does find it amusing that they are playing right into the hands of the Death Eaters.

He is dedicated to his family and he loves his wife. And if you point out that she might be just a little bit nuts, he will simply raise his eyebrow at you in a disapproving manner and say, "Aren't we all insane in our own unique way?" He likes to indulge his wife and he certainly shares many of her predilections.

Anyway, you can find out more about him here. So... family discussion/friends/enemies/frenemies/plot?

Feb. 18th, 2010


Hey everyone! I'm Effy, and I am bringing you a Molly! It's my first time playing her but I am very excited to give her a go. She is currently very pregnant with Ron, and while she isn't in the Order she's more than willing to feed them and patch them up or give them a cuddle if they're upset. Trust me, best damn hugs you never had.

So, if anyone would like to play, let me know! I'm on AIM as trixytonks and I'm usually around for a chat.


Feb. 3rd, 2010


Hello, hello! It's Latara here, with my second character, Amelia Bones. She's on the Wizengamot, so all you DMLE folks might have seen her about. She's Ravenclaw '68, so some of the older chars might have gone to school with her (Tonkses? Xeno? Lucius?). She's very nerdy, very into the rule of law, and very close to the other Boneses, who hopefully get played someday. Her bio is on her journal, for anything else you would like to know. So yes, plots!

Feb. 2nd, 2010


G'day all! Kat 2 here with that grouchy old curmudgeon Aberforth Dumbledore. Aberforth (Abe only if you're a close friend) is a bit of a grumpy bastard and he's got defensive walls that rival that great big thing in China. He doesn't have much patience for idiots and fools and he's generally wary and defensive. He tends to look as ragged and disreputable as his pub. Besides owning and running the pub, he also works a bit in the black market and does some extracurricular hunting of some very bad men (not DEs though - these are much older bad men).

A lot of that is an act but he just doesn't let a lot of people close. There is a heart and a hell of a lot of loyalty underneath the curmudgeon exterior for someone who has the patience to draw it out. He's got one hell of a past above and beyond the whole sister being attacked/father being imprisoned/mother dying/Ariana dying at the hands of either him, Albus or Gellert/punching Albus in the nose thing as he spent most of his time between leaving Hogwarts in 1902 until around 1951 in Europe trying (unsuccessfully) to find Gellert Grindelwald. Given what was going on during that time and the fact that he spent a lot of time in and out of the Muggle world, he's seen and done a lot of things. In fact the combination of Gellert and Hitler is why he joined the Order and he takes what the Order does very seriously and has little time or patience for those who are frivolous or reckless.

Anyway, it best to have a read about him here to get all the details and I'm up for plot/backstory etc etc.

Jan. 7th, 2010


Hi everyone! My name is Kat and I will be bringing you the very unpleasant werewolf, Fenrir Greyback. Fenrir is... not very nice. He likes being a werewolf. Hell, he loves being a werewolf. He wants to be a werewolf all the time. He loves killing, he loves turning people, especially children and he loves scaring the crap out of people. He is out to get you, especially if you don't support the Death Eaters. He is also not exactly sane as you may have guessed. Think of an anti-Remus and you pretty much have Fenrir.

He is allied with the Death Eaters though that should more accurately be said he's allied with Voldemort. He doesn't care one iota about anyone's politics as he hates all witches and wizards, it's just that Voldemort made him an offer he can't refuse so now he works for him. (Unless he fails to deliver on his promise... but that's a whole 'nother matter entirely.) So as long as you're a Death Eater, you're safe from him.

Anyway, you can find out more about him here and I can be found on AIM at fenrirthekat or on gmail at swordkat. I'm always up for plotty type stuff, especially of the evil sort.

Jan. 5th, 2010


Hello, all!  This is Jeanne, Frank's player, with my second character in as many days.  Yes, I know I have a problem.  Anyway!  This is Andromeda Tonks (née Black- but then you all knew that), wife of Ted Tonks and mum of six year old Nymphadora.  Andie (as she is known to friends) is 26, Ravenclaw class of 1971.  She is the middle of the three Black sisters, but was disowned from the family and labeled a blood traitor when she chose Ted over them- so, likely no love between her and the staunch purebloods around!

Andie is a stay at home mum (and occasional neighborhood babysitter), and is content with this, no matter what anyone else says.  In a perfect world she would call herself ultimately neutral- she's had more than enough conflict already, after all- but for now she's a Ministry supporter.  (She would support the Order, if she knew such a thing existed.)  She's a bit hesitant and shy at times, but once she feels that she can trust someone, she's a great friend. 

There is much more in her bio here- friends/mortal enemies/plot?  I blame this shoddy intro on the fact that I have to catch a plane in five hours and I'm tired.  ;)  As always, you can find me on AIM at fredadverb, via my CDJ at [info]_kyri, or email serdaigle-at-gmail.  Email is usually the best, since I get that no matter where I am.  Also, I'm in the process of moving to a new apartment this week, so I may be a bit hard to find after Tuesday.  Internet is installed at the new place on Sunday!  ♥

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Before I start this introduction, I have one thing to say. THANK EFFING MERLIN THE HOLIDAYS ARE OVER.

Right, then. I'm Liz (aka [info]lolo/[info]lolocon) and I am bringing your resident Werewolf Order Boy!

Things Everyone Might Know About Remus:
1. He's that bookish bloke who was always hanging around trouble makers Potter and Black.
2. He's been dating Marlene McKinnon since the beginning of their 6th Year, and they are currently living together.
3. He seems to have trouble keeping a job - or maybe he just can't keep interested? Either way, it's like one day he works at one place, and the next he's seen working somewhere else entirely.
4. He's soft spoken and quiet --- most of the time. Doesn't seem to be the type who likes to stick out in a crowd.

Things the Order Might Know About Remus:
1. Trusts Albus Dumbledore 110%. He never seems to question Dumbledore's direction or advice.
2. Would do anything for Marlene, James, Sirius, and Peter.

Things ONLY Certain People Know About Him:
1. He's a Werewolf (Dumbledore, James, Sirius, Peter, Marlene, Lily, Severus, Fenrir, and His Parents are amongst this category...)
2. He has tried to break up with Marlene monthly, like clockwork (Marly and the MWPPs).
3. Hates breaking any sort of rule or law, and it takes convincing him to do so. (His friends know this - most people assume he's as cool with rule breaking as the other marauders are, albeit quieter...)

I can be reached at loloplaysgames@gmail.com or lolo plays games on AIM :)

Jan. 1st, 2010


Introduction! (of sorts fixed!)

Hello everyone!

I'm Jen and I bring you Daniel Travers and Evan Rosier. First about me, however! I am 25 and live in Massachusetts, so that would put me in EST. I graduated from college three years ago (I'm old), am currently seeking to go back to get my Masters degree and have a dog named Otis :)

So, Daniel and Evan. Well they're both devilishly handsome Death Eaters though there is 4 to 5 year difference in age. Daniel is all around fun, he is a wicked skirt chaser, loves a cheap thrill and is a thrill seeker. Maybe that's why his current profession is thief. He is paid to steal and deliver costly items to his boss who then delivers said items to various shops for sale. He is a middle class pureblood (or a tier 2 if you like) so while he is able to enjoy some of the finer things in life, he sees no difference in this thing they call a hierarchy. Nevertheless he will find himself sometimes abiding by a few select society rules, hence why he is currently courting a young society woman whom he does not care for in the slightest. To him, the purity of blood is what matters most. Of course, you have to be a devote supporter in the preservation of purebloods. Blood traitors gain no respect from him. Oh and he is unknowingly in love with Alecto Carrow as they've been on and off for years now.

Evan on the other hand is a young man with higher morals. He follows most rules, but not all of them, so he has room for fun. Since he is so young, he is merely an apprentice to a lawyer with hopes of one day becoming a lawyer himself. When in school he was that kid who didn't need to study and was able to ace his exams. At just 16, his father was killed by Mad Eye Moody, so needless to say, Evan is out for that man's blood. About a week after his father's death, Evan took the mark, so he was very young and still in school when he became a Death Eater. Other than that, he's a hardworking kid who is a quick wit with a very sarcastic sense of humor who enjoys a good prank. He enjoys the company of woman, but they need to be within his class, upper of course.

I get carried away... But I do look forward to doing plots and the like! My AIM is catahoulalab4.


Hello, friendlies! Here be Jaclyn, and you can reach me at swimmingcarp on AIM, the_chatterpillar@hotmail.com on MSN and email, and jaclyncurler@yahoo.com on YIM. I sometimes forget to log onto MSN and Yahoo, but email and AIM are generally fail-proof. I'm sick right now so I'm awesome and online a lot cause bleh, so IM me! We can has plot!

Aaaaaanyway, I bring Dorcas Meadowes. She was a Marauder-year Gryffindor, she's BFFs with Marlene McKinnon, and she's dating Hippocrates "Jack" Smethwyk, who's not in-game yet. Any, she's fiery and bouncy and friendly and would have befriended anyone in her year or House, or even just anyone near her at school because she's the type. She played Quidditch and was in the Dueling Club, and is NOW a member of the Order of Phoenix, as of five months ago. Jack is a Healer and she's been dating him a year, so she could have met any Healer friends of his in that year, though that plotting ought to wait til he's in. Mmmm... she's the Welcome Witch at St. Mungo's, though, for the last week, so anyone working there could end up meeting her if they don't already know her. Plus random interactions.

I think that's about it. XD Comment! IM me! I'd love you all muchly!