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Apr. 11th, 2010


Hello lovelies! Anna here with new characters, whee! First Lena brings us Bree Bones and please welcome our new player Emmie with Minerva McGonagall!

And one more note. Sorry about being slightly absent of late. I started working on a show, so my nights are almost shot. And the April 15th tax deadline is making mean faces at me. But regardless of all that, I promise I'll be better about tags. Eve and Kat, I have NOT forgotten about you two. I know I owe you lovelies some tags, and you shall receive them. Soon-ish.

And now, the button!

Apr. 6th, 2010


Hey guys, I'm really sorry I was MIA for much longer than anticipated. The whole thing hit home a lot harder than I expected and was prepared for. I'm doing alright now. At least, I'm doing much better than I had been.

Remus has been doing his orderly stuff and busy planning a wedding with his Fiance, and then by her side when she was hurt, and all that jazz. Also? On account of our lack of James, we're just going to say that Sirius won the coin toss and is the best mate, mmkay? (We didn't get a new james in while I was gone did we? btw would really love all the marauders in play, kthnx ;))

For those of you who have joined after my disappearance, Hi! I'm Liz! my cdj is now at [info]serendipitist, I'm also the crazy person behind all the icons at [info]lolocon, and can be reached at (forwards to my *actual* e-mail address, you will not get a reply from this address, it just lets me make my own less google searchable) or "lolo plays games" on AIM.

Remus is a full time order member, can't hold a job to save his life (damn lycanthropy) often referred to as the "sane" one in his group of mates, and is head over feet for Marlene McKinnon and has been dating her since they were in their 6th year.

So that's my re-introduction for all those I've missed out on meeting/greeting as of yet, I'm back and ready to dive head in and be crazy active. Which might mean a potential second character (of the female variety, assuming I find one that sparks my interest ;)) in the near future!

Aside from the attack/death of the Minister, anyone want to give me the cliff notes version of whats happened in the past couple weeks? (anything after the BOMB attack at the society dinner, that is.)

Apr. 5th, 2010


OOC Notices

Just two (fairly) quick things.

1) I've suddenly thought about the fact that Barty is a highly eligible bachelor and that his Daddy would likely be working all of his connections to hook him up with a well-positioned pureblood (or at the very least fullblood) lady. He's got a few things going for him: pureblood, good political/social connections, he's extremely bright, and has a strong potential future. Of course, he has drawbacks, too, that the women (though perhaps not their parents) might be aware of. He's a player - well known for sleeping around, can be rude, and has a tendency to come off as a complete ass.

All that said, would anyone be interested in either a) apping for a new society lady to become his betrothed, or b) offering up a current character? He's really not too picky about looks (though he requests she be smoking hot) or about age-appropriateness.

2) I've put a hold on Frank Longbottom. Would anyone like to work out anything as I try to smash my way through his application?


Argh! Hi guys! No, I'm not dead or comatose though I've been doing some good impressions of the two. In other words, March has been kicking me in the head. Hopefully April will be better.

So... is there anything Rodolphus, Aberforth or Fenrir should know about or be doing?

*icon = me the last few days... unfortunately without the delectable Jack Davenport*


Intro business time

Hey, it's Christa with a third character, Zipporah Smith!  Here's some basics:
  • Hufflepuff, class of 1974, 24 years old.
  • Works for the London branch of Gringotts, as a Cursebreaker.  As such, she does a lot of traveling.
  • Generally doesn't like staying in one place very long, but has moved back to England with the aim of helping her brother and sister-in-law out with their infant son, Zacharias.
  • Is friendly and likes people, adventurous, and enjoys thrills of all kinds.  Also has a tendency to be a bit too forthcoming with her thoughts and winds up putting her foot in her mouth.  Somewhat unabashedly dorky since her school days.
  • Aligns herself firmly with the Ministry right now, believing that they will sort through all of the recent messes.
Detailed stuff is of course in her profile.  Friends, enemies, co-workers, etc, more than welcome!



Hey all!

This is Latara, with my fourth - Andromeda Tonks. Bio is here - she's Ravenclaw '71 and currently working in the Improper Use of Magic Office. She's got her husband and her delightful daughter, and things are pretty good for her aside from her lack of contact with her family. Looking for any and all plots - friends, enemies, etc - obviously the society purebloods would know her, most of them probably would have written her off when her family did but if any of the less severe purist purebloods maybe didn't? that's cool too. I'm excited to play her!

Apr. 4th, 2010


Okay. I seem to have acquired some possibly flaky free wifi, so I'm going to say I'm back in hopes that it will continue to be accessible until I can get my own internet back on. So, with that in mind, let me know if you want to scene/plot with any of my babies!
Alex | [info]uncledavis
Glinda | [info]atypicalpuff
Kasia | [info]kasiamac
Oliver | [info]wilkesism

I am totally up for anything, so give me a poke here or on AIM → itwillhavelena


Would any BOMB member like to attack a poor, unsuspecting Barty while he's visiting Hogsmeade? I'm dying to do something with him.

Apr. 3rd, 2010


The log with Xeno and Nora from, like, two weeks ago is finished! Go enjoy! (Seriously, they're too cute.)

Also, anyone want plots with my kids?
Hestia and Fabian especially would like to come out and play.

Apr. 2nd, 2010


As it stands right now, I have no Internet at home and no idea when that will change, so I will be on indefinite hiatus until that gets sorted out.

♥ Lena

Mar. 29th, 2010


Sinus infections suck. JSYK.

Anyway, Lena with a fourth, because she likes even numbers and had this homeless character that she wanted to try playing again.

Meet Kasia Macmillan who will one day be the aunt of one Ernie Macmillan we all know from the books. Her brother and father are both named Ernie as well, as it's a family name and she's also distantly related to Sirius Black's paternal grandmother.

Kasia was a Gryffindor from 1972-1979, putting her a year behind the Marauders, etc and she's currently a healer-in-training at St. Mungos.

She's sweet, loyal to her friends, has a flair for the dramatic at times, thinks the DEs and BOMB are all crazy, but doesn't have a lot of faith in the Ministry, either, and I would like just about anything for her plotwise. Friends, love interests, enemies -- past, present or future. I'm open to anything and everything!

Poke me here or I'll hopefully be up to hopping on AIM tomorrow. I'll probably crash after work tonight, but then I have Tuesday and Wednesday off, so look for me on itwillhavelena then and poke me if you want to plot or scene with any of mine!


Hello again from Liss. :]

Here's my seccond kiddo, Clare Summerby. She's 22, backpacked through Europe for two years right after graduating, and she vants to take your peekture. Other than that? She wins. All the time. She's the daughter of Ryan Summerby who, for all intents and purposes, was a Chaser for, and has been manager of the Ballycastle Bats for the last twenty-odd years. She also has a brother who is a year younger than herself, Connor Summerby, who is open for interpretation and is free to be nabbed, should anyone want him. Also? She's Brandon Chambers' half sister, but you can see Clare's bio for that. And Brandon's as well.

She needs friends, enemies and other things, so feel free to love her or hate her for her obnoxiousness. :]

You can catch me at just to sayy or get me through e-mail at

Mar. 28th, 2010


Hello! Liss here announcing that I am, after absolutely forever, off my hiatus! Feel free to let me know about anything that may have affected Alice? :]

I missed everyone!

Mar. 25th, 2010


Hi, y'all! It's Lena with a third character already, which is really all Jaclyn's fault, because she pounced on me and begged me to play him, soooo meet Alexander Davis, but please just call him Alex or any variation thereof.

He's pretty awesome and rather than ramble about his awesome, I will just link you to his application. He's 25 and was a Hufflepuff from 1965-1972, so he'd know people around those years, I think, as well as people who are connected to Devin, since they are really close.

Plot with me! :D Again, the AIM is itwillhavelena, email is and my personal IJ is [info]lena, so feel free to ping me at any of those places.

You can also feel free to add either [info]lena or [info]dejavroom which is my CDJ if you want. New friends are always welcome! And anyone who wants to follow my twitter -- it's ledbylove.

Mar. 24th, 2010


Hey folks Caleb here and I just wanted to explain my quasi-absence this week. RL is in overdrive right now and I have progressed into high stress mode as I will be teaching a class in just under 13 hours. Apparently, this is what happens when you intern at your church because leaders like to stretch their interns' talents/abilities as far as possible.

Anyway, I'll try to be back late Wednesday evening for modly duties but it certainly will not be before that.

Mar. 22nd, 2010


Hey folks, here is the long-delayed thread between Antonin Dolohov & Danny Travers. Enjoy!


aim update

Hey, guys, in case you don't notice the update to my intro, I decided to make a separate AIM screenname for the game to keep things more manageable with my massive buddylist, sooo if you'll add itwillhavelena sooo creative, I know to your lists, that'd be awesome!

Mar. 21st, 2010



Hey, y'all! I'm Lena and you can all blame Jenn for dragging me into the madness. She's been raving about how awesome this game was and nudging at me to join, so it's really all her fault and not at all because I have an addiction for new shiny things.

A brief bit about me: I'm 36, I live in Florida, I work a crazy, full-time job in retail-based technical support (to be specific, I'm a Genius at Apple), which means my hours are extremely sporadic, but I'm usually on and doing the bulk of my tagging on whatever my off days happen to be, which vary from week to week. I've been roleplaying for over 5 years now, but I'm relatively new to playing this era, so be gentle with me.

I'll do threads, gdocs, whatever works best. I'm pretty flexible. It's hard to catch me on AIM, because I lose my focus if I'm chatting too much, but you can usually find me on macgirl50 the oh so creative, made just for this game itwillhavelena if I am around. Otherwise, emails are the best way to get my attention.

As for my characters, I'm bringing you two kids from opposite ends of the spectrum. This one, Glinda Crook - [info]atypicalpuff is a former Hufflepuff who is involved with BOMB and she's definitely not all sweet and naive like she sometimes looks. You can read more about her here. I think her only played former dormie at the moment is Matilda, who she most definitely does NOT get on with, so plot with former yearmates, potential friends, fellow BOMBers, etc is more than welcome!

My other is Oliver Wilkes - [info]wilkesism who, if you haven't guessed, is the middle Wilkes sibling, brother to Tom and Matilda. Oliver would like to say he's neutral to the war, but such things are impossible. His primary loyalty, though, lies with his family and doing what he can to keep them safe/alive. He is currently pissed beyond belief about the attack on Matilda and looking to get revenge as soon as/if ever he finds out who did it. He's one of those stoic brooding types with a bit of a sadistic streak, so I think he'll be fun. Friends, enemies, year mates, etc all welcome!

I am open to anything and everything plotwise - drama, mundane, maiming... whatever you want to throw at me, I'm game for and after all the raving from Jenn and a few others I recognize from my flist, I am really excited to plot and play with y'all!

♥ Lena


Hey everyone,

I'm really sorry but I have decided to leave the game. I enjoyed my time here while it lasted and you are all so nice and friendly. I'm sorry, but maybe our paths will cross again.

Best of luck with the game

- Effy

Mar. 17th, 2010


Anna here, with a few things!

1. We lost a few people (sadness), so please run the F-button!

2. The Order meeting. Yeah... apparently I can't add, or tell the date, cause I didn't realize that when I said "Meeting on Wednesday" that would be St. Patrick's day. And I know some Order members would rather party than be yelled at by Moody, who, let's face it, is somewhere drunk right now. Sooo.... let's just pretend I said Thursday. :)
I'll actually start working on it tonight and hopefully get up one of those "here's what happens" plot posts tonight.

3. And this is Jamie's fault. Jamie posted a "here's what character I want" post, and that got me thinking about doing the same thing. So this is just a refresher of the Wanted Character post! Cause I know we're all looking for characters to be played.

What we're all looking for... )

And now, the friend button!

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