June 11th, 2010

[info]merusmercabilis in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hey guys!

I'm going to have to take a hiatus for a week or so - I'll be out in CA visiting family until Sunday, June 20, and can't really say whether I'll have anything like regular internet access. I'll be around a little this weekend to wrap up threads and such, and will at least be checking my email every day until I return. I would still love some more plot, so do drop me a line - rhabdouxos@gmail.com - or catch me on AIM - rhabdouxos. Extra points if Lucius can socialize with someone who's not actually a Death Eater. :) (Not that Death Eaters aren't <3. Hit me up.)

Rabs / Lucius ([info]merusmercabilis)