June 10th, 2010

[info]scrimmager in [info]itwillhaveooc

Okay, I'm caught up, if a little lost. Dammit people, did you have to be that prolific.

This, by the way, is Rufus Scrimgeour. I didn't have a chance to introduce him before I went on my trip so I'll do so now. Rufus is a former Gryffindor 1955-62 though he doesn't put much stock in Houses these days. He's seen too many supposedly noble Gryffindors, loyal Hufflepuffs and intelligent Ravenclaws get themselves into trouble to believe that any one House has the corner on 'evil'. He also doesn't like vigilantes... any kind of vigilantes, no matter what their politics are. Justice, law and jurisprudence are the job of the DMLE and nobody else is allowed to take the law into their own hands.

Other than that Rufus is a fairly easy going man, albeit a bit scruffy and stubborn. He's fiercely, proudly Scottish so yes, he does speak with a Scottish accent. How broad it is depends on how angry he is, the angrier he is, the thicker his accent is. He's a bit of a workaholic and while he likes going out to the pub for a drink or two that's about as far as he goes. He doesn't often get drunk. Mostly because he's pretty much a two beer queer. That bisexual aspect of himself isn't something he's entirely comfortable with because it doesn't really fit with his self-image of a ladies man.

Anyway, his bio is here and I'm always up for plot/friends/enemies/frenemeies/ex-girlfriends/male one night stands etc etc.