February 22nd, 2010

[info]undeuxtrois in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hai hai, Kitty desu!

I bring you Narcissa Malfoy. XD She is currently six months pregnant, in love with her life and doting over Lucius' colleagues (biscuits, anyone?!)

I really suck at these intro posts, so if you want to chat/plot/sit in silence while pondering the answers to life's greatest questions (what is a platypus, really?), feel free to AIM me whenever I am on! kittymrowr, yeah :)

Looking forward to playing with you guys! ♥

[info]thepureman in [info]itwillhaveooc

So, sorry for being MIA! Work has been busy lately so thats taking up a lot of my time. Plus Uni starts back this week so I'm busy getting ready. If you need me, Luc or Cuffe for anything just IM/Email me and I'll try and get to it asap.

Edit: Eep! Sorry about mention a bomb in Luc's post. I only just realised. Can we pretend he said something else not mugglish?

[info]markedbarty in [info]itwillhaveooc

The same thing we do every night, Pinkie - try to take over the world.

This is Eve. With character number three. I told myself I wouldn't do this. I really did. I wanted only one character, but then Dedalus woke up... and now this guy. He's a new muse, but I couldn't resist.

Anyway my lovelies, this is Bartemius Crouch, Jr. He is currently still a seventh year Ravenclaw. He is a Prefect. He already has his Dark Mark. All of this contributes even more to the fact that the crazy fucker struts like a peacock.

He is extremely intelligent. He earned 12 OWLs (which means he took every course offered at Hogwarts) and when he proceeded to NEWT level he only dropped Muggle Studies - for obvious reasons. He tries to be respectful to those he respects, but he's not very good at it. He still somehow manages to come off as haughty and unimpressed. To those he does not like, he will crush you intellectually until you are crying to your mommy. I promise. He is not quite yet the crazy man we see in the books, but he's on his way. Hopefully, he will avoid the time in Azkaban that tips him over the edge.

He is also arrogant and self-centered. He's never dated anyone - because everyone bores him - but he's hooked up with just about everything that moves. It's one of those things that's known but not talked about at school.

He hates his father (who he thinks is semi-retarded), but he still defends his honor because otherwise, it will make him look bad. In contrast, he loves his mother (a former Selwyn) dearly and will do anything for her.

There is more to read here. So, yes... lines for him? Friends? Enemies? Randomness?