February 21st, 2010

[info]originaltonks in [info]itwillhaveooc

So. Hullo.

My name is Amber. I'm 20 years old and take up residence in Tampa. I attend University down here and have a very interesting housing arrangement with two other teenagers and two small children in a two bed room apartment. Its fun. =D I'm pretty much available all the time, though if I'm at work it may take me a long time to respond depending on how busy it is that day. My aim is Notyouraverage25 and my email is nobodiesangel1@yahoo.com.

I have with me TED TONKS. He's currently unconscious. But otherwise he is a generally happy man who graduated from Hogwarts as a Hufflepuff Alumni. He's a loyal, fun loving man who would do anything for his friends and his family (especially little Dora). Of course, he still has his Gryffindor-like moments, especially if he feels like someone he cares about is being treated horribly or threatened. The best way to discribe Ted is comparing him to a dog, he's a loyal, fun and happy person on most days, but he can be vicious when he needs to be. He's working a pretty easy job in the Ministry with the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts.

He is most certainly open to friends and enemies and all sorts of plots! yAy!

[info]itwillhavemods in [info]itwillhaveooc

Hello! Another add to make y'all! Whee! Please welcome Kitty with Narcissa Malfoy! And run the friend button.