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Mar. 19th, 2008


60 Icons: SG-1 (& a couple SGA)

Originally posted 20 May 2007:

58 SG-1
02 SGA

++ ++ ++ ++

(I've included several icons made for challenges but then rejected in favor of "better" icons using the same cap. I like seeing how an icon maker "thinks" by looking at process. If this is annoyingly repetitive let me know and I will limit future posts to just the better ones.)

Hi ho, hi ho... )

Comments are treasured. Credit is appreciated but not required; please don't claim as your own work. Look both ways before crossing the street.

Constructive criticism welcomed.


69 Icons: Actors (Barrowman, Ackles, Alba, et al.)

Originally posted 9 April 2007:

Mostly actors. A few icons from their television shows are lumped in here but mostly it's a Personality Post. *shrug* This mostly clears out my backlog of unposted stuff. I have some icons I was hoping would be released from challenges by now but I'm not willing to hold these any longer. I want them off my back.

- 15 John Barrowman
- 10 Jensen Ackles
- 15 Jessica Alba
- 10 Dark Angel/Supernatural (Dean)/Etc.
- 19 Other Pretty Male Actors -- This is a complete grab bag of icons made for [info]hunk_stillness and [info]dw_stillness.

++ ++ ++ ++

Icons, Part 2 )

Comments are treasured. Credit is appreciated but not required; please don't claim as your own work. Textless icons are not bases; please do not alter. Always use your inside voice if not outdoors.

Constructive criticism welcomed.


76 Icons: Stargate, Dr. Who, Torchwood, Battlestar Galactica

Originally posted 6 April 2007:

The loss of my Photoshop hard drive slowed me down but since I had backups of my most often used stuff and a detailed list of resources, I was able to get back the stuff I most needed. I'm still missing my screen cap collection like mad. My older collection of SG-1 caps were stored on a separate HD that didn't fail. Thus? Lots of SG-1 icons and icons made from caps provided by various challenges.

Some of the SG-1 icons have been inspired by conversations with my LJ friends. The Daniel icons probably won't be overly popular this time around but after a discussion over at [info]riverfox's LJ about the way that his glasses frame our perception, pardon the pun, of the character, I wanted to celebrate his glasses. Or lack thereof. Also likely to lack an audience are the Daniel/Sam icons but after [info]moonshayde wrote about getting flames for writing incest because she posted a Daniel/Sam story...well, I started seeing it again in some of my caps so I went with it.

50 Stargate - mostly SG-1, a couple of SGA
20 Dr. Who/Torchwood
06 Battlestar Galactica

++ ++ ++ ++

Icons, Part 1 )

Comments are treasured. Credit is appreciated but not required; please don't claim as your own work. Wait 30 minutes after eating before jumping back into the pool.

Constructive criticism welcomed.


69 Icons: SG-1, Dr. Who, Torchwood, John Barrowman

Originally posted 28 Jan 2007:

30 SG-1
20 Dr. Who
14 Torchwood (Spoilers through all of Season 1)
05 John Barrowman

I loved the penultimate episode of Torchwood. *sigh* It's Captain Jack Harkness who keeps me watching even when the show fails to live up to its potential; John Barrowman has magnetism to spare. This wasn't meant as a, "I ♥ John Barrowman," post, but I now realize that's what it has become.

++ ++ ++

Read more... )

Comments are treasured. Credit is appreciated but, more importantly, please don't claim as your own work. Always reapply sunscreen after swimming.

Constructive criticism welcomed.


70 Icons: SG-1, Torchwood, Heroes, Dark Angel

Originally posted 1 Jan 2007:

25 Stargate SG-1
10 Heroes
14 Torchwood
15 Dark Angel (Characters & Cast)
06 CSI (Vegas & Miami Flavors)

There's a joke, "The last thing I learned in college was bridge," and I'm thinking that bridge:college :: selective color:Photoshop. It's just so much damned fun to play with, though getting too wild with it degrades image clarity, making the pic go grainy. I'm fully aware of the frequent abuse of this nifty keen feature; hopefully I've limited the radioactive abominations to just a few. Perhaps some day soon my honeymoon with selective color will be over but until then, consider yourself warned.

My well of icon-fu was dry for the longest time. I'd open Photoshop, crop a pic, and mutilate it into the ugliest damned square possible before throwing my hands up in disgust, closing everything, and wandering off to do something less annoying. Like listen to talk radio. *grin*

I have no idea why a bunch of Jessica Alba promo pics got me back in the groove...but they did. *shrug* They were fun to play around with and a couple even placed in the stillness community where I got the pics. Go me. Anyhow, my need to jump start my lagging icon-fu led me to looking far and wide for inspirational caps -- thus the smörgåsbord of fandoms here.

++ ++ ++ ++

Down the Rabbit Hole )

Comments are treasured. Credit is appreciated but, more importantly, please don't claim as your own work.

As always, constructive criticism welcomed.

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