Irreparable RPG

Some Things Can Never Be Fixed

Irreparable RPG



April 30th, 2011

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WHO: Everyone invited/who bought a ticket
WHEN: April 30, 8pm
WHERE: Atrium, Ministry of Magic
WHAT: The Quidditch League annual party!

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March 11th, 2011

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Who: Miles and Angelina
When: Friday night Dinner
Where: Miles' house
What: A date. Perhaps breaking the fast.
Rating: TBD, probably high.

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February 19th, 2011

Witch Weekly Special Edition

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WHO: Miles and Angelina
WHAT: A serious talk
WHERE: A coffee house near Angelina's flat
WHEN: Saturday Morning, post-run
RATING: PG13? Language?

Swarming With Muggles )

January 31st, 2011

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Owl to Oliver Wood )

January 21st, 2011

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WHO: Miles and Angelina
WHAT: Finally talking after a break
WHEN: Friday night

Owl to Miles Bletchley )

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who: Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson
when: Thursday night, 20 January
where: Dingle, Ireland
what: A confession.

Adrian had been a doll... )

January 18th, 2011

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Who: George and Angelina
When: After this
Where: First outside the Leaky Cauldron, then somewhere in Muggle London
What: Talking about what happened during the hostage situation
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January 12th, 2011

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who: Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson
when: 12 January 2004
where: Angelina's flat
what: In times like these, the only thing that matters is love.

All it took was a little hostage situation... )

January 7th, 2011


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WHO: Kherrie and Daphne, Angelina and Oliver, and George
WHAT: WWN Hostage Situation

There were already bodies of WWN office workers stashed in a supply closet upstairs. The intruders took their hair and left them dead so they could meet at the rendezvous point without causing suspicion. It was a busy day at the WWN. A late in the week advertising meeting was being held with Luxe, one of the Quidditch shows was having a player from every team to discuss prospects for the coming year, and Friday was the day when they handed out prizes for contests held earlier in the week.

The lobby was moving fast when Corvis and Mulciber walked in. The werewolves; Gamp, Burke, Mullin, Dorado, and Parks entered in their employee disguises. Mulciber dropped his hood and shot red sparks into the sky. The older Death Eater was well known as one of Voldemort's old pals. He had a potion bottle in his hand. "Anyone move and I'll poison us all!" he shouted.

It didn't take long for the people in the office to realize how they were outnumbered. Those hiding as coworkers drew their wands. The potions slowly wore off as they bound innocents. The werewolves lead hostages into the conference room to sit along the walls while Corvis and Mulciber went to hijack the studio.

December 28th, 2010

Christmas gifts

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To Audrey )
To Verity )
For Angelina )

December 26th, 2010

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WHAT: Christmas Presents from the Potters!
TO: Charlie Weasley, George Weasley, Audrey Baxter, Mini-Fred Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott and Lucy Norton, Dean Thomas, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and Oliver Wood
WHEN: Christmas Eve
NOTE: All letters are written on the interior of a Christmas card with a cover that features Ginny, Harry, James, and Snitch in front of the Christmas tree. James is dressed up like a little Santa, and Snitch is wearing reindeer antlers because Ginny is cheesy like that.
PS: Amy, Harry can get his presents in a thread or I'll make separate post for him. Whatever you'd like to do.

Christmas time is here...... )

December 22nd, 2010

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WHO: Angelina and Miles
WHAT: Some bad news over dinner
WHEN: Backdated to Sunday
WHERE: Miles' Place

She knocked on his door with a bubble of anxiety in her chest and a box of home made gingerbread cookies in her hands. )

December 11th, 2010

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Who: Verity and Oliver, and all of their guests. (If you think that means you, it probably does!)
When: Saturday, December 11th
Where: The church, then the Reception Hall
What: Wedding and Reception!
Note: There's going to be a DE Memory Terror attack in this post, so check it out!

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November 4th, 2010

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Who: Miles and Angelina
When: November 2nd, evening
Where: Sushi Place, then back to one of their places?
What: Discussing Adrian's crazy idea, and other things

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