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Sep. 22nd, 2011


Who: Parvati and George
What: Trying out real dates (and conversations)
Where: Holywell Bay, Cornwall
When: Thursday Night
Rating: PG-13ish (language most likely)
Status: Complete

When Parvati suggested they try having a relationship based on something else, she hadn't imagine it would go so well; it was like they were starting their dating for the first time. )

Sep. 18th, 2011


Owls to Ron, George, Oliver, Seamus, Dean, Ginny, Harry and Hermione )

Sep. 15th, 2011


Who: Harry & Ginny (with an appearance from George)
What: Late night visit
Where: Ginny's flat, Diagon Alley
When:Thursday night, late, very late
Rating: Potentially high?

Harry was waiting all day to see Ginny. )


Who: Geroge and Parvati
What: A Serious Discussion following their first night together since The Article.
Where: Parvati's bedroom
When: The Morning After. Dawn Thursday morning.
Rating: Nudity, strong language, adult content
Status: In progress

Make me believe there's still something left, and say maybe our hearts could heal or break, this could go either way. )

Sep. 14th, 2011


Who: Percy and George
What: Percy checking up on George leads to a long overdue discussion about what happened during the Battle of Hogwarts
Where: George's flat
When: Wednesday, 11pm
Rating: High for language, and very likely mucho angst
Status: Complete

He ain't heavy, he's my brother... )

Sep. 9th, 2011


Who:George and Ginny
What:Sibling conversation time!
Where:Their flat
When: Friday-Before Skeeter's article, after Charity Match try-outs
Rating:language maybe? Discussion of adult themes?
Status: Complete

Ginny was exhausted, in many senses of the word, but for the moment she was satisfied. )

Sep. 4th, 2011


Who:George and Parvati
What: Now she knows
Where: Chelsea Physic Garden
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: language, most likely
Status: Complete

She was perfectly content to sit here all afternoon while she waited for George to explain himself. )

Sep. 3rd, 2011


OWLS to George, Ron, and Ginny

Three owls, each charmed to glow bright red in the hands of the receivers.

George Weasley, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley )

Aug. 29th, 2011


Who: George and Percy Weasley
When: Monday evening
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Brotherly bonding or whatever.

Playing hangman till the morning light, doing donuts on the neighbors lawn, then sleep all through the day, get up and start again. I can hear some sirens somewhere but I don't know why. )

Aug. 25th, 2011


Owls from the DMLE

Owl to ALL Gryffindors with Graduation Years Between 1994-2000 )

Owl to anyone who received an exploding letter with a griffin on it )

Aug. 24th, 2011


Who: Parvati and George
What: Rather serious pillow-talk
When: Wednesday night, possibly Thursday morning, who can tell?
Where: George's bedroom.
Rating: Very adult situation and grown-up conversation

Universe inside your heart / You gotta let me know so you can be free baby / You wanted it so much, and now that it's over / You don't know what you want. )

Aug. 20th, 2011


Who: Anyone invited to Draco's party (add tags!)
What: A jolly good time
Where: Malfoy Manor
When: Saturday evening until late
Rating: ??
Status: Ongoing

Everything was going as planned so far, the Manor looked perfect, everything had been laid out nicely and the people who he had really wanted to attend had RSVP'd their acceptance to his invitation. )

Aug. 17th, 2011


Cheer up!

Who: Angie, Ginny, and George
What: Angie goes to cheer Ginny up
Where: Ginny and George's place
When: After Ginny's post in her journal
Rating: PG I guess?
Status: Incomplete

Angie had no idea why Ginny and Harry seemed to be over before they even really got going, but that wasn't what was important. )


Who: Justin and George
What: Looking for a little work experience
Where: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
When: August 17, 2003 - after noon
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

It's the work that we avoid, and we're all self-employed. We like to work at nothin' all day... )


Owl to George

Owl to George )

Aug. 16th, 2011


Who: George and Oliver
What: Very necessary drinking
Where: Hog's Head pub
When: Monday night
Rating: Swearing
Status: Ongoing

Bloody hell )

Aug. 10th, 2011


Package delivered by two owls to Box 442 )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Owl to George Weasley )

Aug. 10th, 2011


Awkward times!

Who: George and Angelina
What: Have a probably very awkward conversation
Where: The Three Broomsticks
When: Thursday evening
Rating: PG? Dunno, will adjust if necessary. Angie likes to swear.
Status: Complete

It had been a long time since Angelina had actually seen George, longer still since she'd been to the Three Broomsticks. )

Aug. 8th, 2011


Owl to George Weasley

Owl to George )

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