November 1st, 2016



[No Subject]




Nestled in the forest and mountains of Colorado, sits Hallowed Hearts. A small town of 5'000 people, who hold a secret like much of the world. There, lives supernatural creatures from all walks of life, living among human beings. Humans are unaware of the supernatural, though some are in the know. Supernatural beings have been feeling unrest for the past few decades about humans being in control, they want change and they're tired of remaining in the dark, keeping themselves secret. It's exhausting hiding your identity, you can imagine.

Society is heading for an uproar, on both ends and soon there may unrepairable damage to the world as a whole. Meanwhile, a war between Angels and demons is brewing, as the two have always had an intense loathing of each other, and with reason, given they are from two different worlds. Heaven vs. Hell. The world is already in trouble with the way things have been for the past few years, but soon there will be more and who knows what will happen.


[info]hallheartsic | [info]hallownetwork | [info]hallheartsooc




Pastiche: An incongruous combination of materials, forms, motifs, etc., taken from different sources; hodgepodge.
It all started with a story. Several really, each one evolving in their own little reality in time and space. Everything seemed to be perfectly normal in each reality... And then people began to vanish. A mysterious cult known only as the Abyssimus had somehow become established in multiple realities, picking their targets wisely in order to utilize their powers for the own ends. Their goal? To recreate existence in their own twisted image. Worlds began to collapse from the sheer power they were using with survivors straggling across the multiverse.

Their existence shrouded in darkness on multiple planes, the cult forced heroes from different realities to confront each other to keep them off their trail. Many fell to the ploys of the cult, spending more time battling each other than looking for the real source of the problem. But there was still hope. A mysterious group of benefactors with untold power stepped in to give aid to those trying to save the multiverse.

...They all screwed up. Bad.

The damage was done and the would be saviors saved who they could, merging the remains of the multiverse graveyard to house everyone they could in a singular and mostly stable reality. Unfortunately, Abyssimus, which survived the destruction, quickly did the same in the hopes of causing enough chaos to allow them time to try again with what remained.

A new reality was born, one with heroes, demons, aliens, and more. Histories are similar, yet different... and in the dark corners where no one dare venture, Abyssimus still lurks.

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