October 11th, 2011


adults, teens, bullies, musicians, jugglers...



Since its founding in 1892, Clifton has always been a town divided by its train tracks. Based on the textile industry, there are those that manage and those that work. The East side of the town consists of the Haves while the West is the home of the Have-Nots.

Though over one hundred years have passed, the town is no closer to unity. The rich stay on their side of town while the less wealthy stay on theirs though there are extremes to both social classes. Each side has their shops, their restaurants, and even their own schools. The three factories are still going strong; however, some residents are slowly spreading out to other local businesses and even commute to nearby New York City. Growth is occurring all around them even if some in Clifton are still stuck in their ways.

This past summer changed everything, however. A severe weather pattern brought the worst weather the town had seen in a century. The tornado that blew through the area reduced East Clifton High to nothing but rubble, leaving the students with nowhere to go. After arguing and debating amongst the residents of Clifton, Mayor Wilson Davis made the final call to combine East Clifton High with West Clifton High.

Few are happy with the arrangement. Not only are there years of prejudice to overcome, but there is overcrowding, biases, and even the merging of school teams causing chaos. But they've got to make it work somehow. Will the merging of the two schools unite the town once and for all, or tear them apart irreparably?


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[No Subject]

Generation Boomer


It has been said that every generation must learn the lessons put down by the previous generation. Harry Potter and his generation put an end to the the tyranny and fear that was brought on by the Second Wizarding War. They slowly but surely rebuilt the world they loved, making sure that actions were put into place so that this would never happen again. As they started to grow older and start families, they made sure that their children learned the lessons of the past, and made sure that those who died, did not die in vein.

However, it just wasn't Harry Potter and those in league with him teaching those lessons. Children of the fallen and the supporters of the fallen were also being taught a lesson. A new power is starting to rise from the ashes, and only time will tell if they will be able to correct the mistakes made by their parents and finish it once and for all.

Generation Boomer is a Next-Generation established game looking for fun and active players! We have a ton of characters available just waiting for you to pick them up!



[No Subject]

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Student List | Family List | Classes
House Points | Prefects | Quidditch Teams
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Pandora's Box,a post Deathly Hallows dark game


Pandora's box. Everyone knows the Greek myth about the box said to have housed all the world's evils inside. However, few know that such an item truly exists. Before Voldemort had Bellatrix Lestrange, Grindelwald had Pandora Zurlo, a witch of unspeakable cruelty with a penchant for dark magic and a taste for sadism.

Wanting to savor the pain of her victims, she created a box to capture their emotions as she tortured them to death. Every tear of desperation, every scream of pain, and every death rattle found its way into that box to delight Pandora whenever she wished. However, she disappeared when Grindelwald fell, and the box was lost with her.

Until now.

The box has been found and just like the story, all its evils have been unleashed to torment the unsuspecting and the innocent. A darkness is creeping through the wizarding world, unchecked and insidious, slipping into people's bodies and minds. The lucky ones will only suffer. The unlucky ones will die.

Pandora's Box opens October 15th!


Alice Longbottom lives vicariously through herself.

And she' of the many awesome characters we have to over! Are you awesome? Do seek more awesomeness in your life? Do others not understand you B.A.M.F.ness? Then we need you to come and help us create so much bad-assery that the world actually implodes.

Crescendo is a B.A.M.F. AU MWPP Era game taking place in 1981 that has been going strong for over three months. We are seeking fellow Bad Asses to join in on the fun. We've had a lot of action, but we're only just beginning, and trust us, there is far more to come, so get in before you miss the real action.

Everyone kicks ass, is friendly, and we're generally just a band of misfits having a good time. So if you think you'd be a good fit, come on over. We only bite if you ask.

[No Subject]


WTF is in IOWA?
WTF is in IOWA?



Cast List
Drop Box

What Does Iowa Have For You?

Newbie Friendly
Writing Prompts
Plot Movers
Silly Mods
Full Ownership of YOUR Character!
What does Full Character Ownership mean?
Full rights to create Major Plots without having to ask first because ALL comm plots will be optional
No Pregnancy Caps
No Rating Caps
All RP Styles Welcome
Comm Secret Posts
Positive Awards (Never Negative)
Random & Lyric Comm
The Chance to just have some ALL OUT Silly Funs!
New Creative Writing Game
Where Your Imagination Can Be Completely Unleashed

WTF IS IN IOWA is a Pan-Lore, Original Character, Supernatural Role Play Game. Ever wish supernatural games didn't have so many rules that get so complicated you just can't keep up or maybe even understand? This is the game for you. Do you ever wish Mods would quit policing your activity as if you have no real life outside of RP? This is the game for you. Want to play a species that just doesn't seem to fit the usual guidelines? This is the game for you.

So Why Iowa? WTF IS IN IOWA anyway? No one ever thinks anything is out there actually. They'd be so wrong. It's exactly that thought that has brought so much of the supernatural population there to take refuge and try to live normal lives making Iowa the least boring place in the United States. You want zombie cows to exist? Well, oh yes they can. Your farmland just might be crawling with them.

WTF IS IN IOWA is based around the area of Des Moines, Iowa and it's surrounding communities. There's a metropolitan area and TONS & TONS of vast rural areas and farmland. So, how you dictate your chars' life is up to you. Be city folk, be farm folk or anything in between. Your chars can work or own real life places or make up your own businesses.

The main thing to remember is this is a players game. Your lore is your own. Your story lines are your own. Don't enjoy someone else's? Don't read 'em. That's what ratings and warnings are for. This is about just having a rootin tootin good time with wherever your creative writing wants to take you and having lots of fun doing it. That's why zombie cows can exist if you really want them to. (Psst. I've actually heard Iowa is crawling with them.)



[No Subject]






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Taken Characters
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School is back in session! Come join McKinley High, a season-three Glee RPG at InsaneJournal (100 icon limit guys, 'nuff said)! The game picks up with the season 3 premiere, with everything through season 2 as canon, although events may differ from here on out!

We've greenlit the game for season 3, so now is a great time to join us! Holds are available for up to a week, although we encourage you to apply as soon as time permits. Many characters are still available and OCs are happily accepted, as well. Hope to see you there!

wanted characters: Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, Santana Lopez, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Tina Cohen-Chang, Will Schuester, Lauren Zizes, Sam Evans, Dave Karofsky, Sugar Motta, Emma Pillsbury, Sue Sylvester, Shelby Corcoran, Holly Holiday, Jesse St. James, Jacob Ben Israel, Dalton Academy Warblers, Cheerios, Jazz Band, and many more!

Note: Please keep in mind when applying that we strive for a realistic depiction of the percentage of GLBTQ persons in the 'Glee' universe and in Lima, OH. We're open to GLBTQ characters but depending on the status of character ratios in the game, we may want to negotiate with you regarding a character's sexuality in order to maintain realistic ratios.